chapter 15

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The next day, Jessie came in the office very early. She was sitting at her desk reviewing everything that Julian had told her the day before in preparation to her next week's meeting with Mauro. She was extremely stressed about it, knowing that Mauro had already made his decision and that she would have to convince him to overturn it.

Lucy arrived earlier than normal and was appalled to see Jessie already there. She was convinced that for once she would be the first in, but here was Jessie stealing the show once again.

"Hi Lucy!" enthusiastically said Jessie as she saw her arrive.

"Hi," Lucy coldly replied while walking towards her office. She then paused and turned to Jessie. "What have you been working on lately?" she asked squinting her already slanted eyes.

"Oh, hum, same as usual. I'm working on my tasks as an analyst all the while developing the digital marketing strategy. I have one last meeting next week with Mauro, the CEO."

"I know who Mauro is."

"Right, sorry."

Lucy sighed. "I just don't understand what is there to prepare still. I mean how many times have you done that presentation already? I feel like this whole act is a bit exaggerated."

"What act?" asked Jessie confused.

"Coming in the office at the wee hours, leaving late. Every. Single. Day. You're acting like you're always swamped!" said Lucy aggravated.

Jessie couldn't believe that Lucy was telling her this, when she was the queen of acting swamped.

"I'm not acting like I'm swamped. The digital marketing strategy has taken a lot of my time."

"Listen, I'm your supervisor and it is my duty to evaluate your workload. Quite frankly I don't see what in your workload forces you to work these crazy hours. You're an analyst, not a senior manager."

"I don't mind working these hours, and I'm a salaried employee so I don't get compensated for overtime."

"I'm well aware of your compensation's structure. It's about the image of the marketing department. You always seem in over your head as if we were working you to death."

"Massimo doesn't seem to be bothered by that..."

Lucy's face hardened. "But you report to me."

"I have good reasons for coming early and staying late. Considering that I've been working with Massimo primarily, maybe he understands better. Maybe I can keep you in the loop about what I'm working on? Could that help you better understand my workload? We could set up weekly or bi-weekly one-on-one meetings?"

Lucy was annoyed at Jessie's stubbornness. In reality, she was sick and tired of seeing Jessie constantly showcasing that she was the hardest working girl on the team. It wasn't good for her own image that one of her employees came in earlier than her and left after her almost every single day. Jessie made her look lazy.

"I don't know if I'll be able to incorporate that in my calendar," answered Lucy. She had no desire to have set meetings with Jessie and be made aware of all the things she did because she knew full well that Jessie's work was stellar; she constantly went above and beyond in everything she accomplished. "We'll see. When is your final presentation?"

"Tuesday p.m."

"I'm hoping that things will slow down after that."

"Hopefully, yes."

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