chapter 41.1

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A   B U S I N E S S   L O V E

The next day, Jessie stretched in the bed before softly kissing Julian's back. As the weather warmed up, she got into the habit of getting up at dawn and having her coffee on the rooftop. She loved seeing the breathtaking sunrise from the top of the forty-fourth floor.

After taking the time to fully appreciate the present moment, she opened her cell phone. She didn't really like this habit or rather obsession that she had to look at her social networks so early in the morning, but it was stronger than her.

She opened her Instagram page and saw that she had received a follow request. The page asking to follow her was called 'jessiethetease'. She frowned as the username was very strange. She clicked on the page in question, and her heart dropped. What she saw was simply outrageous.

Pictures of her taken from her personal account, with crude and cruel edits, were posted. Vulgar words were written all over the photos.

She put her hand over her mouth in total shock. The captions discussed her promotions, reiterating that she received them through sexual favors. But what shocked Jessie the most were the hateful comments some people had posted, using anonymous accounts. The hatred was unbelievable.

She let out a sob, then another and another. She wept bitterly while reading the disgraceful comments. She couldn't understand why these people hated her so much. What had she ever done to them?

She went back inside, her heart in a thousand pieces, but she couldn't stop reading what was being said about her. It was clear that the whole company was going to know about this page soon enough.

Things were starting to get better; she had thought that Natalia would finally leave her alone, but she had obviously been wrong.

Julian, who had just woken up, heard a lot of sniffling coming from the main room. He wasn't sure what Jessie was doing. He thought maybe she was laughing.

He joined her in the living room and saw she was a complete wreck, bawling her eyes out. He immediately went into panic mode. "What's going on?!" he asked as he got close to her. 

She got up and handed her phone to him. She then headed to the bedroom in order to start preparing for work.

Julian looked at the Instagram page that was opened and was in complete shock.

"What is this?! Who the heck did this?!" he asked infuriated as he joined Jessie to the bedroom, brandishing the cellphone in front of her.  

"Who do you think?" she said with her puffy eyes.

"That's it, Jess, I'm firing her," he said in a decisive way.

"I don't need you to do that."

He exploded. "No, no! There's no freaking way! I'm done!" he said seething with anger. 

"Julian, please! I'm already upset, I don't need you to upset me even more. I said I don't want you to do anything."

"Jess, I'm upset too! I can't stand there watch you suffer and do nothing! I just can't. You're asking me to do something that's impossible," he said, raising his hands.

"I'm fine!" she tried to convince him.

"No, you're not fine! You're bawling your eyes out!"

"Let me handle it! I'll talk to her."

"I don't want you talking to her. I don't want you near her. She's a sick individual and I'm getting her fired! Period," he reiterated with much authority.

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