Hello my nonexistent readers

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anyways I saw that a few author's put personality things and I wanted to try that, so that's what apart of this is.

Also this book includes none of the following

ships (there ARE NO ships)

○+18 plus scenes (the worse there will be is gore
aka blood and stuff like that) I'll try to remember to add warnings

This book will include


○depression and related topics

○insanity and split personalities

That's all for warnings. Also let's remember that Jeff and Liu are SIBLINGS any and all interaction are sibling caring and love NOT ROMMANCE! With those out of the way I have one more announcement before personality descriptions. Any and all art that is used is not mine, if I share any art that's mine then I'll tell you. Oh yeah sorry I forgot about this part so if you read How Slender Met Ben Drowned, it is loosely connected but not by much so don't try to connect the two too much.

Anyways here's personalities

Liu Woods: Shy not very outgoing. Has a split personality named Sully. The only survivor of the Woods family murder that was done by Jeff Woods aka Jeff the killer. Liu has depression problems and his mental state is extremely fragile. Liu is the younger sibling out of him and Jeff. Liu lives alone in a woods that was an old railroad and mine site. It is now abandoned and is forgotten. Liu was the one trying to keep Jeff and his parents together as a family ever since he was old enough to understand. (That's my au) Liu has anxiety and gets overwhelmed easily. The only time where Liu isn't shy is when Liu is protecting someone he cares about. Liu will protect everyone and anyone he deems as a loved one. Has forgiven Jeff for trying to kill him.

Before you all attack me saying Liu is the older uh yeah not according to Google

Before you all attack me saying Liu is the older uh yeah not according to Google

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Sully: Liu's split personality that was made to help Liu cope with his trauma. Sully is not shy unlike Liu, he is very aggressive and dangerous. When Sully is in control Liu's eyes will turn black and his voice will be considerably rough and slightly deeper. Despite Sully's aggressive behavior he cares deeply for Liu and doesn't hurt anyone Liu cares about to prevent Liu's depression from getting worse. Sully is a bit of a pervert at times, and will hurt Liu if he upsets him. Unlike Liu, Sully hates Jeff and has disowned him as a brother and wants him dead. Sully and Liu often fight over what will happen if they ever encounter Jeff. Despite their many differences Sully will step up and defend Liu if Liu is too overwhelmed to do it himself.

Jeffery Woods aka Jeff the Killer: Jeff is very outgoing and isn't shy in the slightest. Jeff is still mostly insane but with Slenderman's help has restore some of his sanity (also my au) enough to not go on a killing rampage every two seconds. The only regret Jeff has is killing Liu and any mention is a sore spot for him. Currently unaware that Liu is alive. Lives with the other creepypasta at Slenderman's mansion. Jeff isn't as protective as Liu but his brotherly instincts to come in when someone he deems important is in danger.

Slenderman: Takes in many creepypasta giving them shelter, food, and a purpose. Slenderman despite many thoughts doesn't regret taking in Jeff and understands that Jeff responds to his grief  through anger. (My au) Slenderman is a quick parent figure to Liu once they meet and quickly sets to work to help both Liu, Sully, and Jeff reunite. Hopefully without Sully killing Jeff. Slender is a tall about 10ft white faceless creature wearing a suit and occasionally has tentacles comming from his back. But in his human form has long black hair, blue eyes, with pale skin.

Jane Arknsaw aka Jane the Killer: Jane was burned alive by Jeff in an attempt to make her "beautiful". Jane's features are similar to Jeff's minus the burned off eyelids, and carved smile aka same white skin and black hair. Jane has black eyes and wears a black dress with black makeup. Jane holds much hate for Jeff and wants him to suffer and die. Jane doesn't care about Liu's fate and just sees it as something to use against Jeff. For the fact he murdered his little brother. Also doesn't know that Liu is alive.

Ben lawman aka Ben Drowned: When he doesn't know you he is similar to Liu as far as being shy and easy to overwhelmed. Ben is Jeff's closest friend and is the only other person beside Slenderman that knows of Liu and how much that topic hurts Jeff. Ben looks similar to Link the main difference is height and instead of light blue eyes, Ben's have been replace with entirely black eyes with red pupils. A tar like substance runs down Ben's cheeks at all times unless when Ben is crying then it turns to blood. Ben can do anything to any electronic and is master hacker.  Ben died when he was 7 so he still has the mentality of his 7 year old self. (My Au, yes ik that Ben originally died at 12.) Ben has a phobia of water due to the fact he drowned.

And that's everyone important thank you for reading!

Reunion (Jeff The Killer, And Homicidal Liu) ⊙Discontinued But Up For Adoption⊙Where stories live. Discover now