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Noor's POV.

I was dragged down now bending with him, our hands clasped together which I knew I should not be holding and staying away from him but I was too scared to think or do anything.

One move and I feel like the bullet won't miss to pierce through my body.

" Who the fuck has the guts to be shooting at my house!" I heard Leo whispered asking mostly to himself which probably he doesn't have the answer to his own question.

I am scared. I don't want to die. Please. 

I closed my eyes remembering Allah as I chant some duas while gripping on Leo's hand as if my life depends on it.

Ya Allah please protect and save us.

" hey listen hey!" He voiced out patting my cheeks to gain his attention as I looked at him clearly worried and scared.

" You decide : Live or Die" he said staring right into my soul with no hint of fear in his eyes . 

Why isn't he scared?

I simply nodded my head as words were not able to form from my now stuck throat.

He re-grip our hands taking the lead and nodded. 

" Run and don't stop," he sternly ordered . Without giving time to prepare myself he began to sprint so did I suddenly.

The gunshots kept on shooting but none came to us as I ran. Were they just aimlessly shooting?

My legs were wobbly beginning to weak due to fear flowing in me but I have to hold on..... I want to live.

I felt a sharp pain piercing under my feet as cold liquid made contact under my feet feeling wet. That was what it took for my feet to go numb as it wobbled and my hand released the grip from Leo making me fall stairs in front.

Will I die? Is this how I am going to die? 

I closed my eyes instinctively not wanting to see what would happen as I fell but my free hand was pulled against a broad surface as it hugged me as if protecting me.

With every roll down the stairs a painful groan was made but I was clenching on the fabric firmly as if my life depended on it while my eyes still closed too scared to know what was happening.

The gunshots were finally stopped as we fell a loud thud on the floor. 

I slowly opened my eyes. I can't believe I am still alive and breathing but the stinging pain under my foot that was still throbbing is evident to tell I am alive.


I released the grip from the fabric and moved away from him as the person groaned . 

Why did he save me? 

I heard Michelle calling our names as she ran towards our direction " LEO! NOOR!" 

" A-Are you ok?" I asked, forcing the words out from my mouth, quivering as I scanned him for any heavy injuries besides the small scratches.

The side of his clothes was drenched with blood as he held it, stopping it from any more bleeding.

Did he get injured while falling down with me?? 

I was so cooped with the blood flowing from him that I didn't notice Michelle was carrying a gun with her.

Why is she holding a gun?? 

Michelle came to us worried flashes in her as Leo stood up as if the injury was an ant bite his jaw clenched tightly as his face hardens giving that emotionless look.

" Get Andrew and Jack here and find out who the fuck sent those fuckers to shoot at us." He ordered in an authorized tone not allowing any arguments while Michelle nodded, giving a worried glance at me before she left.

I am sure they are not in police or any Civil Service job because my uncle took a loan from them. I don't know how much but I have a feeling it's more than a couple of hundred thousand.

So I thought they were loan sharks and maybe some kind of gang members?

I groaned in pain as the throbbing intensified and I looked at the injury.

Ya Allah 

I tried to remove my shoes but it was too painful to move. I clenched my clothes, biting my lips to not make any sound as I hesitantly tried to remove my left foot from its footwear.

Agh- I am scared.

A pair of large hands slide, removing my shoes effortlessly as I flinch at the sudden action. 

I looked at him but he was already staring at me and as if the time froze we looked at each other.

I should be scared looking at him and stay away from him but why does everything always revolve around him? 

I know that this is his house, maybe that's the reason? But somehow I feel there's more to it.

" AHhn~!" I flinched and didn't realize he was touching my feet until I saw it.

He removed what seemed to be a glass piece and checked on my feet.

" You got sprained" he commented and I looked at my feet worried. 

What should I do now? How will I take my ablution or how will I even go to the bathroom?.

Before I realized what was happening I was lifted in the air in the pair of strong arms making me yelp in surprise and started to walk towards the living room .

My hands instinctively were wrapped around his broad shoulder fearing I would fall as his muscles tenses a bit by the touch.

Ya Allah I can't exactly complain here especially in my state and he is just simply helping me so I stayed silent trying to forget the fact that a man is carrying me.

He placed me on the sofa as Maya and the butler came running at us and he left with the butler following behind .

Why did he save me? Was I wrong thinking he is a bad person? Why was there a fire going on??

" God Noor! You are bleeding!!" Maya exclaimed carrying a first aid kit as she come to me and kneels seeing my bloody feet which I am now blocking to stop the bleeding and it didn't do well.

" I-It's ok it w-"

" No it's not and stay still!" She sternly said which made me surprised because she never uses a stern tone and is always gullible.  Or so I thought.

With many unpredictable scenes being unfolded due to the situation and only one thing was confirmed.

This place is not simple and so are they.

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☆ I know this chapter is short but fear not I will be uploading another one today! I hope *finger cross* lol.

Have a good day and happy reading! ;)

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