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Noor blinked her eyes open, the sleepiness still on her eyelids refusing to leave but she was feeling suffocating.

As if her lungs were being crushed. Forcefully, she snapped her eyes opened as she gasped a chunk of air to fill her failing lungs.

The moment she opened her eyes, she felt as if her breath was stuck again, refusing to fill her lungs as she stare at the person infront of her.

When did he returned?

Her fingers unconsciously traced his defined jaw, as she admires his perfect features.

MashaAllah she whispered in her heart for the God's creation infront of her, praying for the evil eye to not cast on it.

On Cue, her admiring gaze met with that of her awoken husband's charcoal ones. A smile stretched on his drowsy face seeing his wife.

"Good morning." He inhaled, and Noor smiled, saying the same as he crawled under the covers, his hands drawing her closer.

Leonardo was fully free once the bandage was removed off his hands. It was tough for him to perform anything with only one hand! He finds it difficult to do things!

"Don't you have a meeting to go?" Noor asked him, her hand on his head, playing with his bed hair, while Leonardo murmured in answer, his tone plainly indicating he doesn't want to get up and be in bed with her.

As he moved closer to her chest, Noor chuckled as she felt ticklish. She gasped as her hand tugged at his hair, earning a slight groan while she felt him kissing and sucking at the flesh of her full breasts.

 Noor realized she had on a nightgown. After leaving the hospital yesterday, they had lunch and Leonardo dropped her home because he have to prepare for today's board meeting. 

Noor felt his hand exploring her fabric less body. The night gown she wore barely had any fabric, its as if she was wearing a tissue cloth. 

She did remember waiting for him in the living room, but she wasn't sure when she ended up falling asleep and the next thing , she find herself on the bed with her husband.

Noor planned to consummate their marriage last night, but she didn't thought her dear husband would be coming home late.

"Y-you are going to be late for the me-meeting!" She reminded, separating him from her breast as she received a displeased groan.

"A-Andrew and the others must be waiting; shouldn't you get ready?" Leonardo sighed, knowing she was correct.

He cannot afford to miss the meeting, and as much as he dislikes leaving their cozy bed and her warmth, he must.

 Reluctantly, Leonardo loosened his grip from around her delicate waist, slowly sat up, and ran a hand through his disheveled hair.

Noor let out a breath as she felt him release her as he rose up, but Leonardo hovered over her, a grin on his enchanting face as she hitched her breath.

Her heart raced at his alluring face as she couldn't help but be captivated by it. She can't deny he is one handsome lad.

Noor could only groan at how much she has fallen for this man. She knew she was becoming powerless against his charms.

"I'm letting you go because I have to attend the meeting, but remember what I said?" He questioned her as he came up near her ears, tingles emanating from their contact.

"Once my injuries have healed, I will make you feel things no one has ever made you feel before. And you'll be a beautiful mess." he reminded of his words telling her to mentally prepare.

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