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Third POV

" What were you going to do?!" She whispered yelled asking him of his stupid action that could brought them trouble had she not stopped him.

Noor was showing an angry expression. Her eyebrows pulled together in worry while her eyes looked into him with fear of being caught.

An unknown smile stretched Leo's lips which Noor was oblivious to because it was hidden behind her hand.

Truthfully Leo finds her this angry face like a whimpering puppy and he can't help but smile at it.

Unconsciously he touched her hand that's covering his mouth which made her tensed at his touch as she realized their position.

Noor backed away swiftly not meeting his gaze as she apologized for her action which Leo didn't mind but got annoyed that she moved away from her touch.

" Wear this" he said as he hands out a swimming mask and Noor looked at it dumbfounded as she glances between him and the mask.

It was obvious she thinks Leo is mad by her reaction because "Are you crazy?" was well written all over her face as Leo sighed groaning at it.

" Why can't you just do as I say instead of asking questions!" He grumbled murmuring to himself while Noor simply was just able to hear his muffled words not understanding any of it.

" This was the only mask I could find us because there will be smoke " he explained passing the mask to Noor as she holds it on her hand but still could not understand what he meant by smoke?

" W-hat smoke?" She dared to ask and was sure he will lash out at ger or simply dont answer her but to her surprise he explained it.

" Jack will come with back up and as soon as he is, I will open this" he showed an ovel object like thing which scared her to her core.

"T-THAT'S A BOMB!!" she whispered yelled moving away from him as a deep gasp slip from her mouth seeing the object Leo was carrying.

" It's not a bomb." He said nonchalantly throwing the smoke ball up and down in the air from his hand as if it was some kid's play.

" P-put that down please. Y-you can't be sure about it" she asked while being careful of her movements as if she is in the presence of a lion .

Leonardo liked the expression Noor was giving out and he would love to tease her more but right now she was as pale as a sheet and would pass out any minute seeing the smoke ball on his hand which she is thinking is a bomb.

" Did you forget who am I?" He asked and Noor's attention went to him who was looking at her with raised eyebrows like a teacher asking her student an improtant question.

Noor was confused about the question but then she figured. How could she forgot that he is a Mafia!

Ofcourse he can differentiate between a bomb and a smoke ball! No wonder he was confident when he said it was a smoke ball!.

Seeing the change in her expression Leo guessed she now remembered that he is a mafia. But shocking thing is why did she forgot?

Did she became comfortable around him? Or is it because of the sitauation they are in that she forgot about it?

Either way Leonardo didn't mind because he wants her to be comfortable around him.

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