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" DON'T COME NEAR ME!" Noor shouted trying to warn him but her quivering voice was coming out like a plea.

" You a-are a killer" She voiced as if telling herself too after everything she saw.

How could she be so naïve. No matter how good she wants to make the relation between them, they couldn't.

How could she always forget. They are worlds apart and they think and live different.

How could she forget the fact that he is a Mafia; who does unbearable and gruesome things she ought to be far away from.

He kills people for his goals. And he does anything he wants by hook or by crook.

Leonardo was trying to go closer to her and calm her down but she doesn't want him anywhere near her
" Hey li-"

" P-please don't k-kill me. I w-wont tell anyone" Seeing he was coming her way with a gun in his hand, Noor's mind began to think impossible and unreasonable thoughts.

She muttered her sentence like a mantra with her body still under shock as her horrified eyes were breaming tears.

Sure she knew they kill people and torture them and danger will always be around if she stays with them but she never thought she would actually see a person being killed infront of her own eyes.

She was never ready for such situation and she never will.

Her gaze was locked on the gun Leonardo was holding and noticing her focus, he threw away the gun and again walked to her but she quickly stood, shaking her head while trying to grip on the wall hoping it could swallow to hide her and protect her.

"D-don't come p-please I-I" She plead in fear. Beads of sweats were forming on her and all her mind was focused was 'is he going to kill me too?'

Noor was suffocating in every breath and her mind was taking too much pressure of the situation.

How could a person kill another human so mercilessly and never thought of giving them a chance.

Noor felt her breath stuck in her throat and her lungs malfunctioning making her hard to breath .

Soon her vision was blurred and the last thing she heard were fuzzy voices.

" Put her in her room. I will bring the oxygen mask. She got a panic attack" Maya informed before she left and Andrew scooped her taking her to her room.

" Leo what happened? How did he got inside the place??" Michelle was throwing questions at him when she heard what happened from one of the guards .

" NOT NOW MICHELLE!" Leonardo shouted and ran after Andrew to check on Noor too.

He was so fucking speechless.

How could she even think he will kill her? He loves her for fuck's sake! Was she so blind to see that?

But he was so worried about her when she fainted that he did not realize he was shouting at Michelle.

Michelle was surprised seeing his behavior. She has never seen him like that.

No matter what was happening he would always be calm and collected and would tell her anything she asked.

But this was out of his character. 

It was weird.

Everyone was now in Noor's room surrounding her bed. Noor was masked with oxygen mask as she lied on her bed.

Worriedness was written on everyone's face but Michelle was focused on her cousin. His face was neutral like always and he was also looking at Noor.

What caught her attention was the gaze he held seeing Noor. She doesn't want to jump into any conclusion but she also want to make sure if what she saw was right.

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