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Author POV

It's been a week and Noor kept her distance from Leonardo. She understood that it's better to not get involved with him for the peace of her future.

Everytime they see one another, she would just keep silent and do her things or move from the place if she has no other work to do.

In all these ignoring, Leonardo felt to burn the whole damn house down just to make her talk with him.

He would instead lash his anger out onto his employees for no reason and fire them for the smallest mistakes.

" IS THIS WHAT I AM FUCKING HIRING YOU FOR?! REDO IT AGAIN OR ELSE YOU ARE FIRED!" He roared slamming the report papers he got from his employee while the poor thing was trembling in fear.

" GET OUT!" He shouted and the guy quickly ran off from his office.

No one would like to hear an earful from their boss let alone a scolding. His unusual behaviour made everyone scared to even go near his office to give him their reports.

"What's the matter with boss? Why is he so scary for the past days" One of the employee murmured among his colleagues as they shook their head in negative unknown of the reason either.

" I hope Mr.Andrew is here so we could tell him" another one said while pitying their own suffocating situation, afraid they would be the one to get fired next.

While being the right hand of Leonardo in Mafia, Andrew also works for him at his company as the senior director.

It was Dreck's request to make Andrew work under Leonardo as a training for when he take over their family busniess.

" Oh! Miss. Michelle is here!! Let's go tell her!" They spotted Michelle walking and looking at her, its as if an angel came to save them from the devil's wrath.

" Miss. Michelle!!" Called out a guy who walked to her with his colleagues right behind.

Their faces almost cried seeing their only hope from getting fired.

" Oh, hi Mark.  How are you all. " Michelle smiled seeing everyone but was confused, noticing their expression. 

" Is .... Something wrong?" She asked, studying their hesitancy to tell her the problem.

" Mam can you please calm Mr.Henz down. He's been aggressive and no one dares to submit their reports in case they get fired" a woman from among them spoke up begging her to save their job.

" What do you mean? What happened?" Michelle was confused at what she was talking about and they all explained to her what was happening in the company for the last one week.

Oh brother- 

" Ok, I will see what I can do" She tells them and they beamed with hope.

" Oh and this, can you give this to him please. I still love my job" said another one of them as he gave the file he was suppose to submit to the devil on her hand.


"Mine too please" another added quickly.

"Mine too" and another and soon everyone's reports were with her.

They soon dispersed before Michelle could say anything and she sighed as she walked towards the devil's den.

As Michelle was walking towards his door, an employee just came out of his office while crying which made her surprise.

She knocked once and did not wait for Leo to respond and just entered the office as she got greeted by her cousin's angry loud voice like a thunder vibrating the room

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