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Entering the hotel room, Noor let a tired sigh out as she taps her cheeks trying to cool down the heat .


She shook her head trying to prevent her mind from thinking anything dirty because of what he just told her.

Good thing, he did not follow her back to the hotel room when she excused wanting to return, but both knew she just wanted to avoid him.

Looking at the time, it struck her that she was yet to pray the night prayer, so she went and chose a comfy clothes to change into before entering the washroom to do her ablution.

After finishing her prayer a thought struck to her mind as she nervously bite her lips looking at the room.

Are they gonna sleep on the same bed? She looked at the couch and an idea popped in her mind.

Half an hour later, Leonardo returned to the room, having a spare key with him, he unlocked the door.

The room was already dark except for the dim light coming from the balcony window . He let his gaze scan the room looking for a specific figure.

The bed was empty. A frown settled on his face seeing it. A hump on the couch caught his attention.

He walked to the bed switching on the lamp beside it as he looked at the couch.

There was a blanket. Leonardo understood who might be under that blanket on the couch.

Did she really think he will let her sleep on the couch? She is damn stubborn and if she can be stubborn he too can be.

Stubborn woman.

He slowly lifted the blanket off of her as her figure came to his sight. She was wearing a silky comfy white Pj.

It seemed thin as he noticed her body shiver at the cold air from the AC. He noticed she was still wearing her scarf , though in a loose style.

Leonardo sighed, helpless at her stubbornness. He carried her with caution, not to wake her up.

Laying her on the bed, Noor felt the base comfortable and she snuggled making her body relax .

After properly tucking her on the bed with blanket, he went to freshen up feeling himself dirty.

It did not take long as he came out wearing only sweatpants as he dried his hair with a towel.

He threw the towel on the couch as he slid himself on the bed, pulling Noor's back closer as he hugs her waist, snuggling himself on the crook of her neck, drifting in her scent as sleep take over.

The heavy weight she was feeling woke her up from the sleep as she blinked her lazy eyes. A lamp was the first thing she saw as her mind slowly wakes up to work. She tried to wake up but the grip on her waist stopped her so.

Her confused eyes trailed down and found a hand. Instantly her mind began to panic seeing a man's hand and she screamed pushing whoever was with her on the bed to the ground as a painful groan was heard.

"What the fuck!"

Hearing the voice, Noor relaxed realizing it was Leonardo who slept with her. She peeped at him, worry written on her face seeing him groaning in pain.

"A-are you okay?" she asked as Leonardo stood with his hand supporting his hips " Do I look like I am okay?"

Noor got off the bed as she went to him and carefully supported him to sit on the bed " I am sorry. I thought some random guy slept o-"

She was cut off mid-sentence by the sudden pull, as her hand hold onto the only thing that could support her from unbalance.--- his bare shoulder.

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