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Noor POV

I feel disgusting, I feel dirty, I feel contaminated.

How could I let that happen! How could I allow him to touch me! How could I allow him to kiss me!

I shouldn't have gone there... I should've listened to my guts feelings .... I should've gone to pray first

But this was bound to happen sooner or later....

Why does everything blames on me? What have I ever done ?? I just wanted to live a simple life and marry someone who respects and love me....

Is that too much to ask?

"Ahhn-" the stinging pain from my skin was felt when the clothes fabric brushed against it .

Did I scrub too hard?

As soon as I left that room I went to shower and scrubbed myself wanting to remove that feeling and touch lingering in me.


After that day I tired my best to not come infront of him.... or any men possible as much as I can.

I thought he will only be home that day and I will never see him again like every other day, but I was wrong.

"NOOR!" Suzy called out and I rushed to where she was shouting from. She was sitting on a long sofa beside someone, but I couldn't tell who it was as their back was facing me.

Suzy turned herself and rolled her eye like she usually does and scoffed "Prepare tea and bring it here. Don't you dare poison or add anything weird in it." She warned and I nodded before going to the kitchen

Poison?? Why would I poison it??

Which tea should I make? Red tea or milk tea? Nervously tapping my fingers on the table counter not sure what kind of tea to prepare .

I know she will make a scene if she finds one small mistake in things I do.

If I go and ask her now, she will turn into Red [angry bird character] any second and blast faster than Bomb. I groaned helplessly and just decided to make any kind.

I looked over the counter for the tea powder but it was nowhere to be seen. Is it inside the cupboards?

I opened each cupboard one by one and looked for it. I barely enter the kitchen so I am not sure where things are kept.

Finally, as I opened the upper cupboard near the electric stove I found the tea powder.

I stretched my hand to take it but I couldn't reach. I tip toed and stood by my toes and still couldn't reach. Why am I soo short?

I looked around for any small stools but there was none. I tried again stretching my hand to take the tea powder when another hand reached towards it "Need a hand?"

I turned at the hand's owner and it was a woman but taller than me. She has beautiful green almond eye her double eyelid visible with thick lashes surrounding it. Her eyebrows perfect, not too thick nor too thin for her diamond shaped face as her split-ed front hair fall over her eyes.

MashaAllah she is beautiful

She stepped back giving me the tea powder as she pushed back her fallen hair behind her ear. I took it and hesitantly thanked her as she smiles like a person who made new friends .

" I am Michelle by the way" she introduced herself stretching her right hand forwards for a handshake.

I debated whether to introduce myself too or not but it will be rude if you don't reply them back.

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