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Third person POV

Realizing who the person that caught her, Noor quickly moved away from him and adjusted her clothes clenching on her hijab while avoiding his eye contact.

Leo didn't liked she moved away from him as he clenched his hands sinking the lingering warmth from when he hold her before she fall down from the stairs.

Truthfully Leonardo was mesmerized when he saw Noor walked down the stairs. He felt as if he was watching an angel from a far.

A pure innocent angel descending down from the stairs.

An angel that's caught in the cage of a devil.

Her over-all white outfit shinning like bright lights as if her armours protecting her.

Everytime Leo is near her, he always smelt this scent of vanilla essence emitting from her making her smell heavnly sweet as if telling him to devour her right this instant.

And everytime Leo is near her, traits of fear and uneasiness would crawl within Noor making her anxious.

Noor felt overwhemly nervous and she felt her body getting fearfully cold by the dominaring presence coming out from the guy beside her.

She always felt her body paralysed whenever around him, one moving step and she will fall down due to her weak leg because of her trembling legs.

Ya Allah, help me out in this situation. I don't want to be alone with him.

As if her God has listened to her prayer, Jack's voice was heard calling out Noor's name as if looking for her.

"Oh there you are" Noor sighed a relief seeing Jack and her reaction didn't gave Leo a good reaction.

Taking this chance, she walked away from him and went to Jack as he gave a warm smile seeing how beautiful Noor looked at the white dress Michelle gave her.

Even though she was covered head to toe, her face was like a lightening bulb shinning like the brightest star .

" You look beautiful" Jack complimented making a blush spread across Noor's cheeks.

Noor is not used to compliments from others because she never got any from anyone. It's the first time  hearing a compliment from Jack and she really doesn't know how to react or respond when someone compliments her.

Specially Michelle who never miss to compliment her.

" Thank you" she replied casting her gaze down as the corner of her lips curved upwards.

Noor never felt intimidated when with Jack she felt comfortable but at the same time her heart stayed uneasy.

She never understood why her heart contradicts with the comfortable feeling she has.

However, when with or in the presence of Leo she felt intimidated by him and uncomfortable but at the same time her heart never once was uneasy .

Now that was a big puzzled riddle not in the right place.

Noor did noticed the difference but never knew why her heart's feelings are in the opposite place for the opposite persons.

Wherever whatever Noor does confusing things only happened to her which she doesn not have the knowledge why is it happening.

Leonardo was looking at her, even though her back was only in his sight he is still damn sure he wont like the expression Noor is showing right now to Jack who just complimented her.

What if he compliments her too? Will  she smile and thank him too? But why would he do it?

She avoided him like he wanted so why does it bothered him if she is close with other guys?

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