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Noor POV.

Ever since my breakdown, two things are clear on my mind.

One: That monster wants nothing but his money back by hook or by crook


Two: I have and am sure want to escape from here even if I have no where to go but I will think about that later once I leave this place.

I don't know how much they pay for a maid working here and if the salary is less then i will be working my whole life which I dont want it to happen.

" Hey" I was taken out of my trance by Jack who came with heavy sweat wearing a black sleevless sweathshirt. His muscled biceps naked for the eye to see due to lack of clothing with a black cargo pants and judjing by his heavy pants and sweat I think he just came from exercise.

" Hi" I greeted back with a smile while stirring the Chai which was kept on a low heat because Michelle requested she wants to drink Chai after her workout.

Everyone's a workout maniac here except me. Agh- I don't even like to run more than two minutes or three.
But living here I think I broke that record.

Wah- Yay! Go me!

Note the sarcasam.

Jack walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of water and instantly drank it with two big gulps .

Boy the guy is thirsty.

" Are you feeling ok? Did the fever come down?" He asked by which he is near me without me realizing because I was lost in thought staring at him.

Ya Allah! Noor!! Was I staring at him??? No I wasnt! Astagfirullah!!

I lowered my gaze but was taken a back when he placed the back of his hand on my forhead to check my temperature.

" Your fever is getting down" he said with a smile and retracked back before I could step away from him while he goes back to the fridge and took an apple .

" The Chai is going to overflow Noor!" He voiced looking at the boiling tea and I quickly turned off the stove just in time before it splatter around the stove.

Yes I was having a bit of a fever after my breakdown which worried Michelle and Jack . It was nothing a Panadol can't fix and I was a bit better the next day.

Ever since the breakdown Jack has been talking and looking after me which I may put is really nice but something tells me there is something else to it which I can't figure out what.

" Have you taken your medicine yet?" He asked taking a bite of apple he took from the fridge while leaning his back against the kitchen's counter with his one hand across his chest.

" No and you should really stop worrying because I am ok right now and don't need to eat those yucky medicine " I assured him while crouching my face expressing the bitterness of the medicine while he chuckles softly.

One thing I hate is eating anything that's BITTER! Yuck!

I still remember how the first time I ate tablets instead of syrup and I vomited all the content in my stomach along with the medicine.

What? Not everyone likes that bitter--- bitter thing!

Did I get better after? Nah it went worst and Aunt again gave me the tablet even though I protested soo much but at the end she made me eat it by also giving me a candy at last.

And let me tell you it made my taste buds regain life.

Hey! Sweet has a better relationship with me than Bitter!

But Alhamdulillah ( By God's grace) I have gotten better by a day because if not I have a hunch Jack will be on my tails to make me eat medicines not that I am complaning but Jack acts like my aunt sometimes *chuckle*.

But I really hate it (medicine)!.

Aunt was the only one that cared for me like a mother but she never goes againts Uncle's saying because she fears her family will broke.

Its understandable and I don't blame her. I already am really happy she sees me like her own daughter.

I miss her.

" Just don't want you getting sick again" he said while taking another bite from his apple .

I chuckle finding it really nice seeing his gentle side and I bet he might've not shown anyone else this side of his because he tends to put up with a stone faced expression all the time.

" What?"

" Nothing, just that.... You will make a really got husband taking care of your wife." I truthfully said and I am sure he will, In Sha ALLAH ( by God's will) once he finds the one of his life.

" Are you jealous?" He asked looking straight in my eyes awaiting my answer.

It will be a lie if I said I didn't want someone who will take care and love me wholeheartedly. I mean... who wouldn't right?

I have a feeling Jack is someone who express his feelings honestly and will be a perfect obedient husband for the love of his life; well except if he leave this bloody and dangerous job that is.

" Cant say I am not jealous but I envy whoever will end up with you" I replied with a genuine smile as he stayed silent .

Oh God! Please dont turn this into an awkward silence !

" -on't be" he whispered barely audible for me as he walks slowly close towards me while I process what he said but can't seem to ge it.

" What??"

" I said don't be" he repeated his gaze softens as he looks into my gray ones while I look at him internally confuse at what he just said.

Why is he acting strange?? I am glad that we grew closer and I came to know him a bit more than the past but his actions sometimes makes me uncomfortable.

A sudden touch of contact was felt against my cheek and I realize he was caressing it with his index finger. I flinch taking steps back away from him but he stopped me holding my wrist.

" J-Jack let me go" I said struggling to remove my wrist from his grip only to be pulled against him as our body made contact his free hand sliding across my waist and it felt like ants crawling as he rested his forhead against mine.

" Noor" he called his voice soft filled with sincerity and hesitance and i felt like he has something important to say but our position is really uncomfortable for me.

" I don't know how you will take it but I need to tell you so I can know what I should do about it" he began his gaze still down as he pulled our body alot closer tightening his grip around my waist.

" Jack please leave me" I whispered trying my best to move myself from him but his grip was alot tighter.

" The second I saw you breakdown that day I had the urge to want to be with you and stay by your side. Protect and give you everything you ever wanted." He continued and I have a feeling I know where this is going but I hope to be proven wrong.

" I like .... No.... I love you Noor"

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☆ Hey Stars! How you all doing!! Agh- the begining of the week is here and I am already tired TxT. I miss weekends already T-T.

Have a good day and happy reading! ;)

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