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Noor's POV

The day has finally come. I have a lot of things to do and I don't know where do I start from.

Yesterday I asked Leonardo to come early but I didn't want him to come really early so I told him a specific time.

8 pm.

I look at the round wall clock plastered in our bedroom above the door and seeing the time, it's making me stressful. 

It's 11 am right.

Ok first I will see what I will cook for dinner. I took out my phone and started to look in Pinterest.

It's the most reliable app ever for brainstorming ideas. I am telling you.

For a good 30 minutes scrolling through the app I decided what our dinner will be.

For the main course, it will be lasagna. As for desert chilled strawberry shortcake will do!.

Ok now that I have decided for the dinner, I should at least decorate the bedroom and dining table. Maybe give him a gift too?

I realized I have always been in the receiving ends and it is making me feel bad that I did not give him anything yet.

He always initiated everything and I am too shy to do it. What if I ended up embarrassing myself? It wouldn't be a peaceful memory.

Especially when it comes to something intimiate like kisses and flirts. When I tell you I am inexperience, I am.

Even reading a whole book about how to kiss won't help me improve as good as him.

I can't deny his good at kissing-- no... he is a pro. And I don't know whether to be happy or hate him because he is pro at it.

Must've kissed half of the world's girls.

I scrunched at the thought and displeasure filled in my heart thinking of it. Well I shouldn't make a big deal out of it because he wasn't really married at the time either.

But it still sting because it's a fact.

I look for my phone and found it laying on the mini table on my side of the bed. I took it and called Michelle.

I can't plan the whole thing myself. Because first, this is the first time that I am planning to do a surprise for someone and if I want to give him a  gift too, I don't know what to gift him. He has everything so what could he need?

" Hey baby" Michelle answered as she greeted with her cheery voice.

She is always happy and cheerful and I pray she stays like that forever. But when she is serious and angry.... girl you wished you didn't trigger her.

If you start a fight with her, you will be the one ended up being humiliated while she slaps some sense to you.

Honestly, it's because of her that mine and Leonardo's relationship is improving. Had she not told me the truth, I will be still hating and keeping my distance from him refusing to accept him as my husband instead of planning some surprise for him.

" Hi Michelle. Are you free right now?" I asked her in case she was busy with her own things.

Even if she is busy, I know she will leave everything behind and come to me but I don't want that.
I don't like to disturb a person who is already busy with their work and leave it all behind.

What if their work is important? What if they get in trouble for not completing their work?

So I always ask if they are busy or not before telling them the main point.

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