24. Dealing With It

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I'm trash, I know!!! But please don't forget to vote! And thank you so much for reading!!

Maeve is gone. Maeve is really gone. I don't know how many morning I wake up and need to actually remind myself of this. Reaching for her. Every morning it's like this. Finding an empty space where she should be, but she never is. I miss her more than words can say. I miss her more than I can even think. It's like something is physically missing from me. 

"Harry?" It's Zayn.

"I found this outside." I pull the curtain aside and find him standing there holding a letter in his hand. I notice the writing immediately. Maeve's.

"Is that?"

"Yeah. I think it fell from one of those books of her's." Zayn hands it to me and I realize my hands are shaking.

My name is wrote across the front in her writing. I slowly open the envelope, almost like I am scared what might be in it. Because I am.

"Harry. H, my sweet love. I want to keep you safe from this. I do. But I don't think I can anymore. Things are getting serious fast. I feel them watching me and even you when we are together. I don't know what's going to happen next but I need you to know I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. So much it feels like I can't breathe.

You are my everything. I wanted so badly to be with you longer but I know it won't happen. I don't know when you'll get this letter. But H, I am telling you if it comes down to it you need to do what I ask of you. Don't think about it too much. There is something so much bigger than you and I going on here, and it's a lot to process, I know. I'm still shocked from it all. If you read my notebooks you will find out everything I know. But don't skip ahead to the big parts, the little parts are just as important. 

Harry. It's all too much. There are so many things that you need to know and so little time. But it all starts with my brother. He's different than you think. I know you know that he is into drugs, you didn't think I knew, but I do. But it goes so much deeper than all of that, and I know that now.

He's been into some bad stuff. I know this, and so does mom. She didn't care though, not like me. I tried to save him. I did. But I couldn't. He got mad. More mad than I have ever seen him get. It was weird. And I could feel the shift then. I knew then that things would be different then they had been. But that's not all that shocking, I always felt some sort of strange tension between the two of us, as if there was something he wasn't telling me. Like he was harboring so hate filled feelings about me somewhere deep inside him. But then I found something, something not meant to be found. He knew I found it too. 

He has people watching me, H. It's not safe. For either of us. Or anyone else involved. Daemon is not who I thought he was. He's a monster. And only God can help him now. I tried so hard to make him change. And now it's coming back to get me.

Please don't make the same mistake I did. I fear this might be the last letter I ever write to you. I love you so much it feels like I can't breathe."

"I'm-" I don't even have words for what I just read. Daemon sent someone to kill her. I know it now. But why? What is he hiding.

"Call Christopher. It's not safe anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Daemon killed her."

"But-" Zayn can't form words either. We all trusted Daemon, and now this happened. Everything is so different. I feel disgusted even thinking about him. 

"It says it all here. She knew something and he killed her for it."

"What the-?" Zayn doesn't even finish. He's as stunned as me.

"I know. This is all so strange."

"Harry, this is more than strange! Maeve has been trying to tell you this all along!"

"I should have picked up on the clues sooner." 

"How could you though? You just thought he was big into drugs, not this!" 

"He loved her though, he fucking cried with me, and he was the one that killed her. What a fucking prick." 

My thought process is going way too fast, but I know that I need Christopher in here right now. Daemon could be anywhere, he could be watching us right now. And now that I know, absolutely no one is safe. Has he been coming to shows? Stalking me, waiting for the perfect moment? God, what is taking Christopher so long?

"I think we just need to pretend like nothing has changed, like we don't know about this. At least until we find out the real reason he killed her." 

"I just can't believe it! We let the fucker stay with us! He could have killed us, Harry!" 

"But he didn't. There is something huge going on here." I can't imagine what could drive him to kill Maeve. What happened that day? 

"Harry, we spotted him." It's Christopher. "We have to leave now, gather your things and let's get out. You too, Zayn. I don't ever want to see you guys separated from now on, same hotel rooms, go to the same places, all the time. You got that? It's not safe for you guys to branch off, I can't be in two places at once." 

"Got it." Zayn says. "What about my things?" 

"We got them together already, there in the car. Help Harry get all of this together." 

He starts picking up the notebooks and pieces of paper from the table, putting them into my bags. I hate that I got him dragged into this, but if I had to have someone by my side through all of this, I'm glad it's him. 

"Okay, ready." And then Christopher is rushing us out of the hotel. He never gave any specifics on where they saw Daemon, but I still feel like I am being watched the whole time. Leaving an unsettling feeling in my stomach. 

"We're going to make sure he isn't following us, and then go ahead and take you guys to the stadium. There are so many guards there that it would almost be impossible for him to get to you." 

That makes the feeling go away a little more, and as I look over at Zayn it seems it helped him a little too. I'm not sure how the rest of this is going to go down, how desperate Daemon is going to be to get to us. But I do know that no matter what I have to find out what he has been doing, and why he killed Maeve. I wish she was here to tell me what to do, maybe she will in my dreams since I know now. I can only hope that she will. 

But for now, I know that Christopher will keep Zayn and I safe, and that's the only thing keeping me going. If it gets real bad I know that Christopher will be there to pull me out of it. Let's just hope it doesn't get that bad. 

"Okay, we're good to go!" And then we're off on our way to the stadium.

I hope Maeve is watching over us now, and I hope she is proud. I don't care what or who Daemon has on his side, I'm not scared of him. And I'm not going to let him do anything else to hurt us. No matter what.  

Okay!!! I know I haven't updated in forever and I am SUPER sorry about that! And I know that this update is super short and is definitely not the best writing! But again, I am sorry!! 

I don't know when or if there will be another update after this one, this has been sitting in my drafts forever and I just now got around to adding a few to it. But I have just been feeling really out of touch with this story, it doesn't really speak to me anymore and I have been working on a few other things, so forgive me! 

Please do not forget to vote and comment!!! 

All the love xx

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