22. Panic

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I hope you guys like this chapter! And the song!!

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Thank you so much for reading!!


"Harry?" Louis asks. I follow the sound of his voice and find him in the back of the bus.

"Yeah?" I ask him. He looks up at me.

"I, um," he stutters. "I had the dream again."

"The Maeve one?" He looks down again. I hear him let out a sigh.

"Yeah. That one." He says in a low voice. I feel bad for him. I do. I know exactly how it feels to go through this.

"And what happened this time?" I ask, in a soft voice.

"She said I had to tell you what happened." He finally meets my eyes again.

"Louis, what happened?" I sit down next to him.

"I honestly didn't think it was a big deal at first, you know? I didn't want to say anything because I just thought that it was people trying to start stuff with you. But the night that Maeve, you know, I got this letter." Just like Zayn did. "I don't remember everything perfectly, but it said something like 'she had it coming. Best to forget them now.' There wasn't a name or anything. And I didn't even know who they meant by them. But now I think they meant you and Maeve. I'm not sure why she wanted me to tell you."

"Well, thank you anyway, Louis." I smile lightly at him. This stuff really does scare him. "Was there anything else she said?"

"Not really. Just the same thing as last time. 'All this time.' Whatever that means." He shrugs. Oh how I wish I knew what that meant. "You really don't know what that means?"

"I really don't." I sigh. "I have heard a million times, but I have no clue."

"Well, it seems like something big." I agree, Louis. It does. "But you two were fucking perfect, man. And I hope that there are second chances." We were far from perfect. In fact, we fought quite a bit. I can still remember the worst one perfectly.

It was late. Maeve was knocking on the door, and she kept yelling at me.

"Open the fucking door!" She screamed. Pounding her fist against it.

"Jesus! What is wrong?" I ask, swinging the door open. She pushed me hard.

"You fucking tell me." And I knew what she meant. She threw a magazine at my face. There was picture of me and Cara walking down the street. We were smiling. And Cara looked like she actually wanted to kiss me. "Well?" She asked again. Pushing my chest harder. She backed me into a wall.

"M, you know that we are just friends." I said calmly, sighing a little. She laughed.

"Are you fucking her?" She asks sharply.

"Maeve, really?" At this point I am pissed. She knows I wouldn't do that. "What if I am fucking her? Maybe we have fucked a lot. And maybe I really like it." I shoot back. I should've kept my mouth shut.

"Fuck," She slaps my cheek hard. "you." I wince and bring my hand up to my face. She turns on her heels and makes her way to the door.

"Maeve!" I yell at her. "You know I'm not fucking her!"

"Then why not just say it, Harry? Why imply that you are?" Her expression is cold. I wouldn't blame her if she just left me.

"Because." I sigh. "I was mad that you would even think that."

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