5. Leaving

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I'm all packed for tour and loading my bags into my car when my phone rings. It's my mum.

"Sweetie," She says, lightly. "are you sure you are ready for this?"

"Yes, mum." I say, laughing. "I will be surrounded with a bunch a people I love. And I get to see all the fans. I promise I will be fine. Please stop worrying about me."

"It's just a thing mothers do, sweetie." I can tell that she is crying. She won't get to see me for awhile, and I know that it upsets her.

"I love you." I say.

"Love you too, sweetie. Now get going or you'll be late!" She hangs up the phone and I continuing putting my stuff in the car. The plan was for us to all meet at Niall's and then leave together from there.

I love going on tour, and while it was my decision to not push it back, I am still sad to be leaving. But I need this. I need to get away from all of her things, and her smell. It hurts to say. But it's the truth.

I hope her brother is okay, wherever he is. Maeve was close with him but not her parents. Her mum pretty much acted like Maeve and Daemon didn't exist. And her dad, well, no one knew exactly where he was. Sheryl is crazy. I wish I was fucking joking. She showed up to the damn funeral an hour late. Was high out her damn mind, but nothing was new there. According to the text Daemon sent me, she wouldn't even let him go to the funeral.

Despite all of this, Maeve never said one bad word about Sheryl. That's just the kind of person she was. It was amazing. It was like she was so okay with everything and it took a lot for her to get upset and cry. That's how you know you made an impact on her. When she cried over you. Or yelled. And it was a rare thing.

I'm sat a stoplight so I pull my phone and go to my voicemail. It's been a week since I last listened to it. But I just need to hear her voice again. I hit play.

"Hey, H! I'm on my way right now, mum wanted me to come over to tell me something! But I'm almost there, I promise! See you soon, H! And as always, I love you so much it feels I can't fucking breathe." The voicemail ends there. And I know what happens next.

Maeve never made it to me. She never came to meet me for dinner at The Club. Instead she made it to the hospital. And I made my way to her.


"What's it feel like to be on tour again?" Louis asks, as we are getting ready for our second show.

"Good. It feels so good!" I say, honestly. "I love seeing all the fans."

"That's good!" He says, slipping a shirt over his head quickly. And then when are sprinting out the door and heading toward the stage.

"Running a little late, lads?" Liam asks, laughing.

"Oy, piss off!" Louis says, as we make our way to the stage.

The crowd is screaming and it makes me feel so alive. They make me feel happy and new. I want to be doing this the rest of my life. They make everything so worth it. And this feeling is definitely one of the best in the world.

I take a glance around the crowd, there are so many people here. It's hard to believe we are doing a stadium tour. We have came so far. I see tons of signs in the crowd that warm my heart, and some that make me laugh.

"we love you harry! stay strong!"

"We have bananas with us!"

"Maeve would be proud of you!"

That one melts my heart and makes me smile a little. Because she would be. She would be extremely proud of how far we have come. And she would be sure to let everyone know. I point at the person with the sign and mouth 'thank you' to them. They smile back and mouth 'you're welcome'.

Adventures Without MaeveWhere stories live. Discover now