13. Remembering

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think! :)


"Harry?" Someone asks through the hotel door. It's Indie. I am certain. I get out of my chair and slowly walk to the door.

"Indie!" I say, smiling and pulling her into a hug. I may not want Daemon to be a part of this. But I want Indie to be. I have always liked her. Never had a reason not to.

"It's been a long time." She says, pulling out of the hug.

"That it has." I say, letting her come in. "I hear you want to talk to me?"

"I do, actually." She says, taking a seat. "There are some things that I would like to show you." She picks her bag up off the floor and pulls out a notebook. I notice it immediately. It's one of Maeve's. She was always writing in them.

"Is that her's?" I ask Indie. She nods.

"Now most of it doesn't make too much sense. I assume she short handed a good bit of it. But there are some parts where she goes into great detail about what she is writing." She opens it up to the first page. "She talks about you a lot. And I am willing to bet that you are the main part of most of it. Now my question is, would you happen to know why she has filled tons of notebooks up with this stuff?" I don't.

"No. She would never tell." I say, shaking my head. "But there is a box full of them at home."

"She left this one at my house. And it doesn't seem to be the latest but it will help and we questions." She says, handing me the notebook. "I think that you should start reading them."

"All of them?" I ask. There has to be at least twenty of them.

"If you want to know what's really going on, then yes. There isn't much else to do. I can tell you some things but I'm not sure how much they will help. I, myself, don't even know all too much. Just bits and pieces really." She says, sighing. If she knows anything I want to know it.

"Please, do tell me what you know." I say, nodding at her.

"Okay. Some of it is going to sound crazy. But just stick with me, alright?" I nod at her again. "Maeve was born with a certain thing. Now as far as I know there is no word to describe it. But she knew that something wasn't right. Causing her to have the nightmares. Which seems to have been passed on to you, making this even stranger. The strangest part to me is that she didn't start to have them until she met me. I have a few theories on it, but I'm still not too sure about it. My best guess is that I woke something up in her. Something that she knew was there the whole time. Whatever was going on with her, she kept it to herself. And these notebooks. I think it scared her. More than it scares you. But now you have that same feeling she had. Following her techniques might help but they might not. Doing these things could've led to her death. Whatever happened to her that, I have a strange feeling about it. Like I am missing a part of something. Whatever this thing she was dealing with is, it tore her apart."

"That's all?" I ask, looking at her. This doesn't help much. Honestly, I am little more confused. "If I read the notebooks will it all make sense?"

"It's hard to tell really." She shrugs. "She could have wrote everything down in them. But then she could have not. Either way, it's your best shot, Harry."

"Okay." I say, sighing and flipping through the notebook.

"It's a shame." Indie says, casting me a glance.

"What is?" I ask her.

"Lies destroy us." She says, standing from her chair and making her way out the door. Well. That was short. She definitely knows that I am hiding something. But how long until she finds out?

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