18. Old Friends

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I felt super bad about the last chapter! It definitely was not the best! So to make up for it, here's this one!

It's longer and way better!

Please don't forget to vote!

I hope you enjoy this chapter! And the song! :)


"Harry, I need you to think." She says. Looking at me intently. She is so serious about this.

"M, I am trying!" I say, but she isn't getting it. "I just don't remember! I can't!"

"Harry, there has to be something you remember that wasn't right that day."

"You fucking died! Nothing was right!" I shout. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell at you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Just try and think though, yeah?." She places her hand on my cheek and I lean into the touch.

"God, I miss you." I whisper, closing my eyes. 

"I miss you too, H. But I have to go." She cries. "Just promise me you will try to remember."

"I'll try." I sigh. And then she dies.

Maeve believes that whoever is not to be trusted was around the day she died. She asked me to try and remember. But honestly most of my memory is shot. It was a hard day. How could I remember anything but her? 

It has been a crazy past week. Nova and I have met up a few times, but mostly I have been hanging out with the lads. We have a had amazing concerts each night, met tons of amazing fans. And I have to say I am really happy right now. At least I was until I just got this text.

Nova: Meet me. We have to talk, and make sure no one but Christopher is following you.

Me: Okay.

Now this is very strange. Nova was meant to go home yesterday, but she seems to still be here. And it sounds very serious. And why would someone be following me? She sounds very serious about it.

"Christopher! We have to go meet Nova, make sure we are alone." I shout through the hotel room.

"Yes, sir." He replies, walking out of the bathroom in a fresh suit. He looks so young. He acts so serious that I often forget how young he truly is. "The car is ready now."

"Good." I say, and we make our way out of the hotel.

"No one followed, right?" She asks once I get there. She looks around the whole restaurant. I look around too. 

"Christopher made sure." I say, nodding.

"Good. Have a seat, it's not going to be an easy talk." Nova says. She looks nervous. And I feel nervous. 

"Okay." She starts off. "I knew who you were the first time we met. But not because of the boy band thing. I was friends with Maeve, Harry. We were close too. Not as close as her and Indie used to be, but we got closer when she stopped talking to Indie. For multiple reasons, you and I never really met. I was very busy back then. But Maeve trusted me a whole lot. And she told me some stuff. About the dreams. She told me that she thinks someone is watching the two of you and that it isn't safe."

"You know everything?" I ask, dumbfound. Why did she never say anything before? 

"Basically. And I have been following you around to try and figure out who it might be. Is there anyone else who you have been seeing a lot of?" She asks.

"Not really, just you and the lads." I reply. This is a lot to take in. But I am not that shocked for some reason.

"Okay. I have a couple of theories on who it might be, but I'm not going to say them here. Just be sure that you take Christopher with you everywhere you go. I mean it." Nova says sternly.

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