Chapter 17: Our 2nd Summer Vacation

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It was finally another summer and David and I were going on another vacation somewhere over seas. This time Kendrah, Matthew, Travis, Brianna and Andre were joining us. We're going to Spain by some of David's relatives and it was just us, our parents weren't going this time. Kendrah, Andre and David all wanted to go on one last trip together before they head off to college next year, our brother and sister wanted to go to watch us since we didn't have our parents and they just finished college and Matthew just wanted to tag along. We were leaving the last week of July and we were going to have a party for Kendrah for her birthday but she doesn't know.

Today, July 6, Travis and Brianna came home. One day David and I took Travis and Brianna to meet our friends because they didn't meet them last summer and they didn't know who they were to us.

"Hey guys," I said to Kendrah, Andre and Matthew.

"Hey Ally," Matthew said," and what's up Travis." Then Travis and Matthew gave each other a man hug.

"Kendrah and Andre this is my brother, Travis."

"Hi guys," Travis said.

"Hi," Kendrah and Andre said in unison.

"Travis, who is this beautiful young lady next to you?" Matthew said as he took Brianna's hand and kissed it.

"Matthew, this is my big sister, Brianna," David said laughing.

"And my girlfriend," Travis said. Suddenly, Matthew let go off Brianna's hand and said,

"I'm sorry man."

"It's ok. I wouldn't blame you, she is beautiful," Travis said as he kissed Brianna on her cheek and she started blushing.

"Hi guys," she said to Kendrah and Andre.

"Hi Bri, long time no see," Kendrah said.

"Yea," Brianna said.

"Wow this is crazy. David is dating Travis' sister and Travis is dating David's sister. Ya'll must like the same type of people. What will happen if Brianna and Travis get married and David and Natalie plan to get married, he's going to be marrying his sister; ewwww that's creepy," Andre said.

"I know but it would matter because I'm going to marry Natalie even if she's my sister or not; nothing is going to stop me from marrying her," David said as he put his hand on my shoulder, kissed me on my cheek and I blushed.

"Awww," Brianna said, "you have come a long way little bro and you deserve the best which you already have."

"Thank you sis and so do you. I really don't know you well Travis but I know she is in good hands; she came a long way too."

"I know and thanks man," Travis said.

"So Kendrah is there a lucky guy in your life?" Brianna asked Kendrah.

"Yea he's right here," she said as she wrapped her hand around Andre's waist.

"Nice," Brianna said as she winked at Kendrah.

"What about you Matthew, a lucky girl?" Brianna asked Matthew.

"There was but she's taken and the other girl we are on a hold until she treats people better," Matthew replied.

"Is one of those girls Brittany?" Brianna asked him.

"Yes how did you know?" Matthew asked he confused.

"My little brother went out with her."

"Oh yea."

"And who was the first girl?"

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