Chapter 6:My Best Friend

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After school, when I got to home, I was in for a surprise. As I opened the door to my house, I saw a guy sitting on my couch talking to my mom. He had dark brown hair, broad shoulder, and the same skin color was me, so I thought it was David. When my mom saw me, she told the guy,

"Here she is." Then the guy turned around and he said,

"Hey Allie" When he named me Allie, I knew right away that it wasn't David. As I was running the name, Allie, through my head, I remembered that only one person called me that but I knew that that guy left a long time. As I looked at the guys face, it was the same guy that I knew, Matthew. He is my best, best friend.

"Oh my gosh MATTHEW!!!!!!! It has been like forever. How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm glad you remember me."

"I know but how can I forget you, you are my best best friend."

"Well don't just stand there, give me a hug." Then he got up and I gave him a huge hug and kissed him on his cheek.

"Do you want to go get a bite to eat?" Matthew asked me.


"We can catch up on things." Then Matthew and I headed out the door and walked to the pizza shop.

As we walked to the shop, we both talked.

"Matthew, you look good. You grew sooo much and your voice got deeper," I said laughing at him.

"I know, but look at you, you gotten bigger since the last time I saw you. You look like you're a heart breaker now. Do you remember when no one wanted to date or even liked you?"

"Yea, thanks for reminding me."

"I'm sorry. So are you breaking any hearts?"

"No," I said blushing.

"Ah.....who's the guy and what's name?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The guy my little sis has a crush on."

"Ah ok. His name is David."

"Now we are getting somewhere?"

"Is he treating you well?"


"Is there someone you need me to beat down for you?"

"No.....well there is this girl. She use to date David, but since he's going out with me she he been trying to get rid of me."

"Ok I got you. I'ma help you put her in her place."

"I already did that. So any way, what brings you to Sheepshead Bay?"

"What, I can't come and see my little sis?"

"No. What's going on?"

"I'm visiting my dad and spending thanksgiving with him."

"Oh, that's cool."

"Would you like to come and spend time with us?"

"Sure, I just have to tell David."


" there a lucky girl in your life?"

"No, not right now," he said with sad face, "not since you turned me down, when I asked you to go out with me in 6th grade."

"Oh yea, I forgot about that."

"Yea, after that I forgot about it and we just became best friends."

"Yea, it was a sad and happy day."

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