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I was listening to some music when someone knocked on my door! "Hey Rigby! Billie and i are making dinner, would you like to join us?"
Its Rose. "Uhm i think I'll just eat your food!" I said
"Thats okay!" She said.

I watched her walking to Billie.
Her hand was around her waist and they were kissing.
They continued cooking dinner and I continued
listening to music.

I was listening to rock!
I pretened to be a rockstar when Billie walked in my roomz I jumped of my bed!
"Oh sorry" she said.
"Oh no problem but why are you here?"
"Dinner is ready!"
I ran to the kitchen.
"Looks good!"
"Thanks" Rose said with a smile.

Billie and Rose were sitting in front of each other.
They smiled at each other for a longgg time.
"Rose were do you live?" I ask.
"I live near my vegan!"
"Coollll! How do you guys know each other?"
"Party" Billie says.
"Oh okay!"

I was full very very full.
"I'm full! I loved it" i said.
"Okay.. you sure?" Billie ask's
"Yes bill im sure"
I ran to my room and continued listening to rock.

Mom called me
"Hey Rigby! How are you" she asked.
"Im fine bit bored but fine"
"Can't you hang out with Billie?"
uhhh no they are kissing constantly so no
"Uh no mom I can't"
"Okay well uhm we are staying here till 02:00 am so we are going to sleep somewhere else!"
Shit.What if I can't sleep? I can't just hop in Billie's bed..
"Oh uhm okay! Have fun"
"Thank you rig, can you tell Billie?"
"Mhm i wil! See ya"

Shit I don't wanna be alone this whole night..
I should tell Billie.
"BILLIE" i scream
I ran to the kitchen
They were kissing again
"Bro you guys are always kissing" i said
"Anywaysss mom wanted me to tell you that they won't be back til tomorrow."
They smirked at each other. Ew
"Oh no don't think about it! I'm still here."
They turned red.

"Okay uhm we are going to watch a movie tonight! You can join if you want to" Rose said
I'm not sure if i want to join..
"Depends what movie you're going to watch" i said
"Probably a horror movie!" Billie said
Okay wel thats cool
"Okay I'll join!" I said happy

Its already getting dark outside.
I tooka shower and put some comfy clothes on.
"Billie im done" i screamed
Billie and Rose walked to the bathroom!
Together?! What the fuck!
I don't know how long this shit is going on but what the hell.

I knock on the bathroom door.
"Are you both naked?" I ask
"No only Billie!" Rose say's
"Okay im coming in!" I scream.

"Why are you in here?" Billie asked.
"Forgot my phone!" I say
"Stupid hoe"
"Fuck you Billie"
"Fuck you more"

"Don't worry this isn't a fight this is just showing love" i say
Rose laughs.

After some time they finally came out of the shower..
"Should we watch a movie now?!" I ask
"Okayyy" she sighed.
We were watching Annabelle and that shit is scary!.
Billie and Rose were hugging and i set next to Rose.
"AAAAAA" Rose and i scream.
Billie is just fucking laughing.
I am fucking scared.
I hold onto Rose.
I fell asleep.

nawh they are so cute i have to take a picture!
"Psstt Rose is she sleeping?"  I ask
"She issss"
"Lemme make a pic"
I made a picture and posted it on my story.
"My 2 babies🥺"

I have to tell Rose about tour.
"Yes baby"
"In starting tour in 2 weeks.."
"Oh shit"
"I don't want to leave you.."
"Me neither Billie"
"I can ask my parents if you can come too"
"But they don't know we are dating.."
"Thats true.."
I'm thinking about how im gonna tell them.

"Rigby!" I say loud
She wakes up!
"Whats wrong?"
"Need your help" i say
"Tour is starting and I don't want to leave Rose.."
"Oh" she said
"Should i tell mom about us?" I asked
"Maybe you just have to make it obvious so she will ask about it" she said.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Well if you guys just lay in your bed and cuddle or something and she walks in..."
"I also cuddle with zoe.." i say
"Let me speak bitch" she says
"If i text you tomorrow morning you guys have to be very close okay.. than i walk in to your room with mom and than i say  oh shit or something she will be like huh? Than you guys kiss and than i pull mom away!"

That's genius
"Okay I'm in!" Rose said
"Okay me too!" I said
"But guys make sure you guys hang out a lot after telling mom so she will know that you guys are very close! And than like 5 days before tour you ask her."
I nod

"Rigby its late go to bed" i say
"Sorry mom" she says
She gives me a hug and i give her a kiss on her forehead
She also gives Rose a hug!
Im glad they can get along.

Rigby O'connell |BEWhere stories live. Discover now