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Rigby's pov:

The doctor told me i was in a coma.
I can't believe it.. i've been gone for 3 weeks.
Right now im exhausted. Which is weird because i've been asleep for almost a month.
I also can't believe Jordan did it again, what did i do to deserve that? And fucking Q helped him doing it. Billie told me that if i want i could sue him. I think i want to do that. At least get him in jail.

No one brought my notebook nor my airpods.
So i called Billie.
When she picked up she was all sweaty and red.
"Oh shit sorry" i said immediately.
"No its ok, whats wrong rig?"
I really didn't wanted to interrupt anything.
"Nothing have fun" i scoffed.
"Ay don't put an attitude on me Rigby"  she looked very strict while saying that.

"Bro i aint putting any attitude on you, don't be so hella dramatic Billie"
Sometimes Billie thinks she is more powerful or better than me just because she is older than me.
Which makes no sense because why does she gets to do that and Finneas doesnt? In my opinion its just a bit of an attitude issue on her side.
"Damn talking back n all. But no Rigby tell me whats wrong"
"Theres nothing big. I'm just bored and i want my notebook + my airpods"
She rolled her eyes.
"Text Mom I don't have time to drop it off.
And by the way go to sleep Rigby its fucking 1"
I laughed.
"I've been asleep for 3 weeks Billie"

"Okay well I gotta hang. See ya tomorrow Rig stay safe" she said.
"Yeah yeah bye"
I hung up and called mom.
She told me it was too late and I should sleep.
So i texted Finneas who told me the exact same thing.
So he was no help either.
So i just tried to fall asleep.
But i was scared to fall in sleep because i had this weird feeling that I'll never wake up or be in a coma again.

So i grabbed my phone and checked my instagram.
I posted a picture in my story saying "hospital beds suck"
Because they do.

Than i just scrolled thru tiktok.
And before i knew it it was 6 in the morning.
Thats the time the doctors check on me.
I pretended to be asleep.
I just want to go home, i hate this hospital and i need my family.

The doctors walked in my room checked all the machines and left.
I grabbed my phone and watched some youtube.
Time flew by and it was now 10 in the morning.
Billie and Finneas are here at 11 and im hella hungry.
I rang that little bell and waited for the doctor.

"Goodmorning miss O'Connell, is there something wrong?" This woman asked.
She looked a lot like Rose.
"Yeah can i get some breakfast? Im staaaarving"
She laughed.
"Ofcourse, I'll get you the menu"

I grabbed my phone and called Finneas.
"Finneas are you at mom and dads?"
"No, but i can pass by and grab the things you need. Tell me what do you need and I'll get it for you" i smiled.
"Yeah please, can you get my notebook some pens and my airpods and a hoodie, its hella cold here"
He nodded. "Okay see ya"
He hung up.
I was hella bored and the doctor was taking so long.
So i called Clara.

She wasn't fully awake yet,but she picked up.
"Hey baby, did i wake you up?"
"Nono, i had to wake up for school but i slept in and now im so fucking late"
I laughed.
"Its 10 baby, your 1 hour and 30 minutes late"
"Yeah but I'm missing biology and english, no biggie"
I laughed.
"Go to school baby please"
She sighed.
"Okay, can I pass by after school? I miss you"
"Ofcourse baby please"
She smiled.
"Alright i'll go to school, see ya after school baby"

The doctor came in with the menu, damn that took so long.
I told her i wanted that avocado toast cus it looked bomb.
And 15 minutes later Finneas came walking in.
"I got everything you needed rig, how are you feeling hun"
"alright just hellaaaa bored, and i haven't slept at all"
"Why not??"
"Well cus something in my brain tells me that if i fall asleep ill never wake up, like a new coma"
He smiled.
"That isn't gonna happen Rigby"

Than Billie came running in with Rose behind her.
"Suppp bitches!"
I laughed.
"You look really tired Rigby.."
"I am, this bed sucks"
Finneas gave me that strict dad look which made me nervous.
"Thats not what's going on Rigby, tell the truth."
I told her i was scared to sleep and blabla.
"Rigby, just ask if you can go home sooner cus this hospital is fucking with your mental health.."
The doctor came in my room with my breakfast.
"There you go miss O'Connell"
I thanked her and thanked her Billie opened her mouth.
"Miss when can my sister leave this shitty hospital?" I noticed Rose giving her a little stomp and then laughed.

"Excuse me?" The doctor said.
"When can she come home?"
"I don't know, I'll get a doctor"
Billie rolled her eyes at the woman.
I could see the woman's hand shaking.
"Billie dont be such a dick to her"
Billie just laughed.
A doctor came in and greeted us all.
"I heard that you had a question?" He asked me.
"Uhm yeah.. when do i get to go home?"
He smiled.

"Well we did notice you didn't sleep this night, so we want you to at least stay this night and if you don't fall asleep you can go home to sleep but just visit us 2 times in a week for a small check for a month long"
"Oh okay thanks sir."

He left the room and we just talked.
For like an hour, maybe more.
We had a lot of keeping up to do.
But Clara called me.
"Baby school ended earlier, my teacher went home sick but my parents aren't home yet so I can't come"
"Finneas wil pick you up mama"
I looked over at Finneas and he sighed.
"Thanks, ill see you soon"
"Very soon baby"

And we hung up.
Finneas drove to Clara and Rose was getting us taco bell.
"I wrote a song about what happened. About sexual harassment"
She did what?!
"Can i hear?"
She nodded, grabbed her AirPods and handed them to me.

"Try not to abuse your power"
Its the power song, they started this song the first it happened.
The song was beautiful, she sounded so angelic.
Tears were forming in my eyes as i focused on thr lyrics, "I thought that i was special you made me feel like it was my fault you were the devil lost your appeal" that hit hard.
I didn't noticed that i was crying but i was.
"Damn bill"
She smiled.
"I hope you like it.."
"Bro like? I LOOOOVE IT MAN"
She pulled me into a hug.
And than Clara and Finneas came in the room.
"Aaargh baby i've missed youu"
I gave her a kiss.

"Bro you better get out of this hospital fast cus yk" she smirked playfully.
"Baby.." i laughed.
"Im kidding, unless" i shushed her by kissing her.
She layed down next to me.
I placed my hand on her ass and we started a conversation with Finneas and Billie.

It was a good day, i just want to go home

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