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It's 10 in the morning.
Clara is still in my arms, snoring cutely.
I grabbed my phone and checked my instagram.
Loads of congratulations and dm's.
It just doesn't feel real.
So much happened in one year.
It's crazy, its pathetic.

I got a message from a unknown number.

Congrats, i know we don't talk anymore and you got a whole different life but I'm happy for you, xoxo your old best friend

Nora? God i havent talked to her in.. a year?!
I remember when they were having a sleepover and I wasn't invited, they randomly texted me telling me i was a bitch for being in love with Nora's boyfriend. Which wasn't true, i now know im a fucking lesbian and i haaaaaaaaaateeeee boys.

I screenshotted the texts and I send it to Billie.
Not even a minute later she came storming in my room.
"Nora?" She asked me.
"Yeah i think so, what the hell does she want tho. I thought i was a bad friend for 'falling for her boyfriend' or crush i don't even remember"
Billie rolled her eyes.
"Are you gonna reply?"
I shrugged my shoulders and grinned my teeth.
"Do it, just ask who she is, might be a stupid Sophia prank"
By now Clara was awake.

"Whats going on?" She asked with her sleepy raspy voice.
"Some ex bestfriend texted me" i scoffed.
"Just text her back, if it's Nora text me k? I have an interview now. Good fucking luck rig"
"Yeah, uhm thanks have fun"
She walked out and ofcourse, left the door open.
I didn't bother yelling at her, she won't close it anyways.

Me and Billie kind of aren't like we used to be, we are fighting constantly. I never sleep in her room anymore and every time i tell her something im excited about she gets all rude and unbothered.
I don't know what's up with her.
Ever since she started getting reaaaally famous she is just different. Like the fame is overwhelming her.
And maybe its my fault too, i'm one mentally ill fucker. I bet im super exhausting to be around.

"Oh, i didn't even say goodmorning" i muttered as i kissed Clara's neck.
"Goodmorning baby" she smiled.

I grabbed my phone and texted the unknown number back.

"I'm sorry, who are you lol"
I hope it's Nora, not a stupid Sophia prank.
She has tried to contact me several times, i just ignore it.

Uhm Nora, sorry

Fuck i'm glad its Nora.
I think I'm glad, i mean it's not Sophia but being in contact with nora is making me creep the fuck out. I don't know how to act around her anymore.
We haven't talked in ages and i don't know what she is up to.

Oh yeah uhm thanks ig

Sorry for randomly reaching out, my mom told me you were nominated for an oscar. I felt like i had to reach out to you! I remember when we used to play that we were big actors and god i think you made it

I giggled softly at this memory she brought up.
We used to be best friends, she was home schooled too. Every Tuesday we hung out. Once we made this short movie about being big artists.
Billie filmed us and we played songs on my brother's guitar. God those were good times. I miss her as much as my friend.

Its fine, thank you! Hry btw? Still friends with cleo and emily and their gang?

God no, mom said it was forbidden to hang with them after what happened ay the party. Tbh their super mean like fucking mean.

They are.

Oh fuck, well we could hang out once if you'd like ofcourse.

Yeah sick, im in! Tmmr?

Yeah, sounds good. I have an interview at 10 but I'll be home at 12! Wanna have lunch at mine??

Hell yeah, I've missed Maggie's good food.

Okay, cya tmmr

Damn I didn't even realized how much ive missed her.
I placed my phone on my nightstand and turned around so i could cuddle Clara.
"You look happy" she smiled.
"I am happy baby" i said as i kissed her softly.

We haven't said our i love you's yet.
If i say "i love you" now it'll get akward, maybe.
Fuck it.

I took a deep breath and "i love you"
Her face lit up and a huge smile grew on her lips.
"I-i love you more baby"
I grabbed her chin and gave her one bigg french kiss.
God, i needed this to be said.

I think it is safe to say that i am i love with that silly cute sometimes bit weird gorgeous girl.
I genuinely think she is the one.
Fuck me, only 16 and already so daaaaaamn soft.
She's just fucking gorgeous en perfect?!


This day was very chill. I didn't do much.
Billie got mad at me, for what? I don't know.
Maybe i said something wrong. I can't remember.

Clara is back at her home now, whenever I'm alone i get sad. It's exhausting and weird.
I never know why i am crying.
Mostly it's about Jordan. But also just because im so tired. I never sleep, always have bad dreams.
Sleep isn't relaxing for me anymore.
Mom said that my eyes look tired but i just can't get myself to sleep.

*knock knock*
"No!" I yelled
The door still opened. It was Billie.
"I said no?" I told her.
She rolled her eyes.
"I knew you were crying so i don't care, wanna talk about it?"
So now she suddenly cares?
"No, not with you" i said with a bit of an attitude.
"Here we go again" she muttered softly.

"I wanna watch the office so move"
I didn't move.
"Move please" she said with her straight face.
I rolled my eyes softly and moved a bit so she could sit next to me.

"Look im sorry, i'm just stressed lately." She admitted.
I shrugged my shoulders and shifted a little closer, i needed Billie's comfort.
We might fall asleep together, i always fall asleep whenever Billie is around.

She started the office and turned the volume higher.
"I'm sorry too" i muttered very soft.
"It's okay love"

Before i knew it my eyes got heavy.
I felt billie shift to get out of my bed.
"Stay, please.."
she did and i finally fell asleep

Rigby O'connell |BEWhere stories live. Discover now