Sparking/ Surge (Shu Kurenai x Insecured Reader)

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Requested by Inshira_Nisshoku.

Tq for the request and I appreciated make this story^^. Hope you like my story!!


(No POV)

A female teen 15-years-old was doing her own training in Raging Bull building. And yes, you are Theodore's niece after her parents were passed away from the car accidents since she was 5 years old.

Theodore heard about that news and was going to take care of her and become her uncle. Even though he raised her for many years, he treat her like never love or caring her. Theodore want her to become a strongest blader and she refused it.

Theodore didn't give a sh*t at her and force her to training very intense. Until, he invited blader of Supreme 4, Shu Kurenai, to improve himself to become stronger.

And that's until he met a (h/c)nette female at the training room. He saw how her training was intense and launching her bey was. Shu want to talk with her but she walk off and avoided him.

(Y/N) doesn't like talk to anyone about her problem, afraid of someone thinks she was ugly or bad words.

That's why she become insecured person whenever someone came to her, she avoided them and not making an eye contact.
4 years later

Ever since her uncle quitted from the building, she began relieve and feel safely from the intense training that he forced her.

She may be safe from him, but a certain albino knows about her past after Theodore talk to the albino about his niece.

Shu was pissed at Theodore because he never treat her kindly, but abusive. But now he's gone, Shu can spend his time with her when his time was free.


With (Y/N), she was relaxing at the rooftop and take some fresh air. She had a small smiled on her face with her eyes closed. Her smile faded when she felt someone was sitting beside her. She sighed.

(Y/N): "Can you please leave me alone?"

Shu: "I can't leave you alone, (Y/N)."
Her eyes widened at the deep voice. She glabced beside her and saw none other than the new owner, Shu Kurenai. He smiled at her.

Shu: "What're you doing in here?"
She just glared at him.

(Y/N): "It's none of your business, Kurenai."
Shu frowned at her.

Shu: "I'm try to be nice with you."

(Y/N): "You don't have to be nice with me, you and my uncle were same."
She get up and left quickly. Shu had a heartache at her last sentences.

Shu: "(Y/N) misunderstand from 4 years ago. Her uncle was just ask me to join the snake pit and not her privacy. I better talk to her later."
He get up and went to his office back.
On night time

(Y/N) change her clothes to pyjamas after she used the cream on her body that had many scars, including behind. She got used this after what her uncle done to her.

She was about to sleep until a door knocked at the outside of her dorm. She didn't bother to open the door and ignore it.

Shu: "(Y/N), I know you're there. Please, open the door."
She sighed as she went to the door and opened it. Her eyes were sleepy.

(Y/N): "What do you want, Shu? I was about to sleep."
Shu went in, she closed the door as they sat on the bed.

Shu: "I came here to talk to you, (Y/N)."
She scoffed at his comment.

(Y/N): "I'm not in the mood to talk with you-"

Shu: "Listen, (Y/N)!! I know you avoided me for a few years, but you can't just hide from me like that!!"
Shu said in dead serious. She flinched at his words, look down ashamely. He sighed.

Shu: "Look, I know you have a problem with Theodore, but now he's gone and you can tell me everything what he had done to you."
Shu pleaded at her. (Y/N) then explained everything to him for a few minutes.

(Y/N): "So...that's why I avoiding you, not just because I don't want a friend, but to keep me safely from everyone."
Shu hugged her, comforted her. (Y/N) hugged him back, tears fell through her cheek.

Shu: "It's ok, you never deserve it and beside, you're perfect the way you are. I know those scars had many on your body, but for me, you're cute.

She blushed when he said to her 'cute'. He broke the hug, wipe the tears off with a smiled.

Shu: "And (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hmmm?"

Shu: "Whenever you have a problem, you can tell me and J believe in you."
She nodded, smiled appeared on her face.

(Y/N): "Thank you, Shu."
Shu smiled.

Shu: "You're welcome, (n/n)."


Done! I'm very sorry that I made you wait for the request, Inshira_Nisshoku. I just hope you like it.


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