Sparking/ Surge (Shu Kurenai x Jealous Student Reader)

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Tq for the request and I'm sorry that I made you wait. Now, onto the story!!


(No POV)

In training centre, Shu and Lane were beyblading for 100th times for 3 hours. But they were sweating and exhausted at the same times.

Shu: "You did good job, Lane."
He said, smiled at puprle haired person. Lane grinned at his mentor.

Lane: "Yeah, me too. It has been two months since we don't have a battle or even practicing."
Shu had a sighed.

Shu: "Well, it's because I had many documents that I need to finished it."
Lane hummed at his responed.

Shu: "Anr by the way, Lane. Have you seen, (Y/N)? I didn't saw her since we were training till today."
Lane had a sighed heavily at the albino.

Lane: "Maybe she's minding her own business or something."
Shu didn't believe what Lane saying.

All he know is that she always like to training with him everyday. But when Lane joined, she didn't want to train with him.

Shu: "Ok, Lane. Thanks for telling me. You may leave now."
He nodded as he took his bey and left.

Shu then rest, sat on the bench and thinking about his favourite student, (Y/N).

Shu: "Thta was...weird. Ever since Lane joined in this team, she always gave me an excused to training all by herself. Maybe I'll talk to her tomorrow.

With that, he went to his dorm and do his business after the training.

About earlier, Shu doesn't know that his student was jealous of Lane because when he trained with Lane, she can't help, but feel jealous and can't get a time to train with her mentor.

It has been 2 months and that's when she want to trained alone and don't want to bother Shu and his new student.

(Y/N) somehow feel sad and gloomed at the same time that Lane got more attention from the albino that her.

She then excused herself from her mentor that she was minding her own business.
The next day

(Y/N) was training at the training centre on 9.00 a.m and that time Shu was working on his paperworks while Lane, just patting with his hedgehog, Lane.

(Y/N): "Let it rip!!"
She launched her bey as it spin very fast and didn't know that someone was watching her.

After she trained, she turned around to leave this place until she bumped into someone as she quickly apologized.

(Y/N): "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there."

Shu: "No, it's ok, (N/N)."
She recognized that voice as she look at in front of her. It was none other than her mentor. She sighed.

(Y/N): "Oh, it's you. What're you doing here?"
She asked. Shu was on serious expression with an arms crossed.

Shu: "Nothing, just want to know how are you doing right now."
(Y/N) just scoffed at him.

(Y/N): "I'm doing fine, Shu. Nothing is wrong."
She lied at him. Shu didn't believe her words.

Shu: "Don't lie to me, (Y/N). I know what's you're problem ever since Lane joined in this team. Care to tell me.
She sighed and nodded. Ready to tell him tbe truth.

(Y/N): "Ok, fine. I'll tell you."
Then, both of them sat on the bench as she explain.

(Y/N): "Ok, do you wanna know why I keep excuses to training alone?"
Shu nodded, listening her speaking.

(Y/N): "You see, I'm...I'm kinda jealous of Lane."
Shu eyes narrowed at her.

Shu: "Why are you jealous at him? Is something matter?"

(Y/N): "Yes, it is!! It's because whenever I ask you to battle, you keep focusing on Lane and always him. It almost like a month, so that's why I avoided you and don't want to bother you and your student."

She said, look away in jealousy head. Shu grinned at her as he hold her face and turned to look at him. Making (Y/N) mad at him.

Shu: "(Y/N), there's no need to jealous at him. I know you want to get attention, but it's not like I forget about you. Beside, you're the one and only my favourite student since we met at the park."

(Y/N) feel ashamed, she shouldn't be jealous when Lane got attention from Shu.

(Y/N): "Ok, sorry that I avoided you."
Shu smiled at her, caressed her cheek.

Shu: "It's ok. It's not your fault and I trained with Lane because he really want to battle for almost many weeks. That's why I train with him."
She awed at him. Shu smirked at her jealousy before.

Shu: "And I like how my favourite student was jealous of my new student."
Her face turned red at his commemts as she smacked his arm playful.

(Y/N): "Shut up! It's not like that!"
He smirked even more.

Shu: "Yeah, right. When you see me training with Lane, you will bet a jealousy head."
She became more angry at him as she look away with a pout.

(Y/N): "Whatever."
Shu chuckled as he rubbed her head in cute way.

Shu: "Ok, ok. How about we go out and eat an ice cream as apologise."
Her eyes sparkled and smiled appeared on her face.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I would love too!!"
Shu smiled at her in happiness.
(Y/N) was now not jealous anymore and training with Shu again like before.

Lane want to battle with her as she agreed. When they were battle, (Y/N) won in many times and Lane got frustrated that he losed.

Shu saw how excited they battle and really proud that he had a students who always working hard and want to become a strongers blader.


Done writing.
I'm very sorry that I posted it late, RAGINGBULLETS. I was hoping you like my story.

Anyway, see you next time! Aďios!!  

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