Dynamite Battle/ Quaddrive (Cold Shu Kurenai x Innocent Reader)

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Requested by Inshira_Nisshoku

Tqsm for the request. It has been a week I didn't update this one-shot book. Anyway, hope you like it^^

Onto the story!!


Flashbacked (1 month ago)

A cold hearted male asked her to meet him at his office. She was confused why he said it. Then, she meet him at the office.

As she went inside, he saw her with a cold stared. She went to him, not very close and asked.

(Y/N): "So, why're you ask me to come here?"

A (h/c) tilted her head innocently as he reply.

Shu: "I asked you to came here because I keep my eyes on you when you were training. So from now, you will become my student today."

He said in deep tone. (Y/N) had a questioned mark on her head.

(Y/N): "But, why all of sudden? I can train all by myself."

He gave her a cold glares as she flinched at his glaring.

Shu: "Do I make repeat again?"

(Y/N) shook her head. He calmed once again.

Shu: "That's what I thought and remember, tomorrow you're gonna do what I say and don't you ever to disobey my word, understand (L/N)?"

She nodded once again while looking down.

Shu: "Good, and don't look down like that. Just keep your head up. You may leave now."

With that, she left from the office as she went to her dorm and laid on the bed. Her mind was a little distress at her new cold mentor.

(Y/N): 'Geez, why would he act so cold to me. I don't know why, but he said I'm gonna train with him. But why all of sudden?'

She thought while groaned for a second, put a pillow on her face.

A female blader name (Y/N) (L/N) is an innocent girl among the bladers in team Raging Bull and she was a strong one, like Lane Valhalla.

The owner a.k.a leader, Shu Kurenai, was a cold-hearted person and very strict blader. He always act very cold to the random blader, except (Y/N).

He maybe act cold to her, but not very rude. Being cold hearted in kind way and whenever they say in swearing, Shu sometimes covered her ears because of their swearing.

(Y/N) was wondering what they were saying. Shu only just 'you're too innocent for that'. (Y/N) understand what he mean and do her own business.

Shu then punish them if they were dare to said in swearing in front of innocent girl, like launched the bey for 1000 times and others.

And now, (Y/N) become his student and do what he say everyday. After the training, he gave her a break and (Y/N) hangout with her friends.
With (Y/N)

She was eating her (f/f) at the cafetaria in evening and also taking a break after training with her mentor.

As she eats, a certain white-silver male went to her and sat beside ber with his special carbonara. (Y/N) know who he was as she continued eat. He noticed it and said..

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