Burst/ Season 1 (Vampire Shu Kurenai x Human Reader)

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This one also requested: Inshira_Nisshoku

This one is normal and not full romance. But in the end, love for each other^^.

Hope you enjoy!!


In this world, many people think a creature of the night doesn't exist on the night time.

But they don't know that vampire was exists in this world and keep the secret from human.

A vampire was Kurenai family, live in Japan and hide their indentity from people and want to live normal life, like them.

They had one child name Shu Kurenai who was vampire and can't stand in the sunlight, and so do his parents.

But they can stay in sunlight because they wore an accecories things. His parents wear wedding ring with diamond ruby power.

While Shu wear a red bracelet so they can't get burn from the sun and enjoy their life.

He also had many friends, included a female. He had a small feeling on her and keep it from her because he don't want her to freak out that he was a vampire.

Except for the beyclub, they know Shu's indentity when they saw Shu's skin burn on the sunlight because Wakiya 'aacidently' stole Shu's bracelet.

Then, they keep a secret from his indentity and (Y/N) so Shu won't hurt her when he was thirsty for blood.

A (h/c)nette female also had a small feeling at albino, but she was too shy to confess feeling for him.

And now the present....
Shu made a planned to hang out with (Y/N) at her house on night time. He already told her that he come and she agree.

As he went to her house, he slowly knocked the door and waited for response. A second later, (Y/N) opened the door and smiled at him.

(Y/N): "Oh, you here Shu. Come inside."

He went inside of her house in awkward. He smiled at her and said.

Shu: "Your house is beautiful, (Y/N)."

She smiled at him.

(Y/N): "Thanks, make yourself in home while I make you a juice."

Then, she went to the kitchen and make a juice. She didn't notice Shu went to the kitchen quitely and want to help her.

Shu: "Hey, (Y/N). Let me help you."

She hummed at him.

(Y/N): "Ok, if you say so.."

Shu and her then make a juice. Shu helped blend the fruit while (Y/N) was cutting fruit until....

She accidently cut her finger as she hissed in pain. Her finger was bleeding as Shu smell the blood from her finger.

He gulped and tried to control his thrist. His fangs suddenly grow because he was thristy much as he quickly went to the bathroom and closed the door.

(Y/N) was cleaned the blood from cutting as she heard the door banged very loud from the bathroom and said....

(Y/N): "Shu, are you ok? Need a help?"

Then, he speak from the bathroom.

Shu: "I-I'm fine. Just....want to wash myself."

He lied at her. Inside the bathroom, his vampire self had revealed because of her blood, fangs was poking out from his mouth as he stared at the mirror.

Shu: "I need to control myself from her. I don't want to hurt her."

After he turned back into human form, he went out from the batroom and saw (Y/N) already finished make a juice as she saw him.

(Y/N): "Oh, Shu. Are you done? Let's drink together."

She said, with a smiled on her face, like a sun. Shu eyes spark at her cute smiled.

Shu: "Yeah, sure."

Then, they drink a juice together.

Shu: "Hey, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Yes?"

Shu: "Ummm.....can I stay your house for a night. On 10 p.m, I'm going back to my house."

(Y/N): "Sure, Shu. You can stay here for a while."

She said, didn't notice Shu was staring at her neck for long. (Y/N) noticed he stared as she snapped him out.

(Y/N): "Hey, Shu. Why're staring at my neck like that?"

He finally snapped out of it as he shook his head.

Shu: "I-It was nothing, (n/n). I'm sorry for my action."

She blushed at her new nickname and keep cool from the warm feeling.

(Y/N): "Your acting weird, Shu. It's something wrong?"

Shu shook his head once again.

Shu: "No, it's nothing."

She nodded at him. And the rest of them just talk about a random stuff.
On night time

(Y/N) was reading her book on the couch very quite. At behind her, the albino vampire quitely went to her as he pinned her, making (Y/N) shocked at his action.

(Y/N): "Shu!! What are you-"

Her eyes widened because.......Shu's eyes were glowing and saw his fangs grew longer. Shu was on vampire self.

Shu: "(Y/N)~ your blood smell so delicious. Can I have a taste?"

His tone was deep with an evil smiled. She shook her head.

Shu: "Aww, don't worry. It won't hurt."

(Y/N): "No, please. Let me go!!"

Without thinking, Shu leaned to her neck, licking the sweet spot.

Shu: "You smell sweet, (n/n)."

(Y/N): "Don't you dar-"

She screamed in pain after he bit her in her neck. He moaned while sucking her blood. (Y/N) gripped his shirt to hold the pain. His fangs went deeper.

(Y/N): "S-Shu...please...stop..."

Shu growled inhumanly as he continued drink. After a few minutes later, his thirst was now gone as he let his fangs off of her neck and saw (Y/N)'s eyes were close. His eyes wided.

Shu: "Oh, no. (Y/N)!! Please, wake up! I-I didn't mean to hurt you!"

As he tried to wake her up, her eyes was opened slowly. Shu noticed it and sighed in relieved.

(Y/N): "No, i-it's ok. It's not your fault."

But Shu still feel guilty what he had done.

Shu: "But still, I hurt you last time and can't control myself from your blood."

She just smiled at him.

(Y/N): "Don't blame yourself. I'm ok right now and I love you."

Shu smiled at her confession as he kissed her on lip for a second.

Shu: "I love you too, (Y/N). Forever."


Finally done!! It has been many days that I didn't update this book because I was busy. Anyway, hope you like it.


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