Chouzetsu/ Turbo (Ghost Shu Kurenai x Reader)

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Requested by me.

This story, Shu is died and become a ghost for eternity. This is an AU and I don't owe this anime, just a fanfiction.

Anyway, onto the story!!


After many bladers knew about Shu Kurenai's dead, Valt and the others were sad and almost lost hope.

Especially Valt and (Y/N), they knew him since childhood. When he's gone, he become Red Eye to become stronger until...

He lost and his mask was broken and revealed their one and only childhood friend.

When he went away from them, he had a mental problems because he never get high hope and become weak blader.

In the end, he killed himself and don't want to see his old friends again, except for his closest friend.

Shu: "I'"

He said the last words before his eyes closed. His heartbeat went stopped and leave a lifeless body at the unknown place.

The polices found Shu's dead body at the forest and saw a knife stabbed into his heart as they take the lifeless body to forensic place.
Two years later

A (h/c)nette girl was doing her own business after her childhood friend dead from commited suicide.

She knows Valt was very sad and lonely after the dead of Shu. But luckily he still had friends of beyclub, including Xander.

(Y/N) doesn't know what to say and feel sad at him too. She really miss Shu when she met him at the park.

Right now, she was reading her favourite books so she won't be boring in her bedroom. Suddenly, a pair of red eyes was watching her in the shadow.

(Y/N) feels a thing was watching her was reader as she glanced at the shadow, but nothing. She sighed.

(Y/N): "Phew, I thought something else. If I see a ghost, I run away."

She said, shivered a little because she was scared of a ghost. After she finishing read, (Y/N) went to sleep and get comfortable.

After she slept, a thing came from the shadow and revealed...

A ghost. He went to (Y/N)'s sleeping form in cute way. He just stared at her with a sad face. He went closer to her, want to patted her head, but can't because he was a ghost.

He frowned as he gave her with a sweet smiled.

???: "Hope you can see me, (N/N). I really miss you. Good night."

Then, he flew away and not disturb (Y/N)'s sleeping beauty. Suddenly, she had a dream about she found her childhood was standing and hugged her.

She missed him and hugged him back in her dream.
The next morning

(Y/N) baked some pancakes for her breakfast and eat it. As she ate, a ghost from last night was stalking her eats pancakes in the kitchen.

She eats pancakes very quited. A ghost male feel sorry at (Y/N) very lonely in her house. He really wish to want to see her but he don't want to freak her out.

???: "What am I going to do? If she sees me, she will freak out. I knew that she scared of ghosts."

He said for himself and thinked as the idea pop out of his mind.

???: "I know what to do!!"

He said out loud as (Y/N) heard something as her head lifted up and look around. The ghost was now disappeared after he realized he said it out loud.

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