Chouzetsu/ Turbo (Shu Kurenai x Short Reader)

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Requested by me.

I didn't update it since no request now, so I posted it with my onw request.

Anyway, onto the story!!


Ok, before the story get start, in this one; Reader was short and your heights same as Fubuki and your age same as Shu. You and him were in relationship.


Fubuki: "Hey, (Y/N). Can you do that?"

He shouted at the (h/c)nette shorter female was climbing on the wall for the training. She grabbed the rock wall harder and said..

(Y/N): "Yeah, I can! It's just...I'm scared of heights!"

She was afraid to land down from the height and just like Wakiya. Fubuki sighed.

Fubuki: "Well then, let me catch you!"

She shook her head.

(Y/N): "I can't!"

Fubuki: "I know you can!! Just jump!"

She take a deep breath and get ready to jump.

(Y/N): "Ok, here we go!!"

Then, she jumped as Fubuki caught (Y/N) in perfect time and keep balancing. Luckily he didn't get fall after caught (Y/N).

Fubuki: " *sighed* You're safe now, (Y/N)."

She sighed and thanked him. The banana head smiled at her. Until a certain albino male came toward the duo with a serious faced.

???: "What is going on here?"

After Fubuki put (Y/N) down, they glanced at him with an awkward silence until Fubuki spoke.

Fubuki: "S-Shu-san. It was nothing, I just help (Y/N) to get down from the heights and I just catch her after she jumped."

He explained at his mentor. Shu hummed and glanced at the shorter female.

Shu: "I see and you, (Y/N). Why are you train climbing on the wall even you're scared of heights?"

He asked at her. (Y/N) just chuckled in sheepishly.

(Y/N): "I just want to test my strength, hehe."

He sighed at your excuses.

Shu: "Whatever. Next time, don't do that again or you will get acraphobia."

She nodded at him.

(Y/N): "Ok, I won't do the same again."

He smiled as he left. Fubuki glanced at (Y/N) with a deadpanned.

Fubuki: "(Y/N), were you had an acraphobia before?"

She look at him, nodding her head with a chuckled nervous.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I somehow feel scared since I'm short, eventhough my age same as our mentor."

Fubuki hummed.

Fubuki: "Well, if you say so. *in his mind* But, you and Shu-san were also had a relationship, right?"
The next day, on 3.24 p.m

Fubuki was training with his friends, Aiger and Ranjiro, who came to Raging Bull for train with him together while (Y/N) just watched them battle.

While she watched their training, Shu came to behind her quitely as he startled her with a grinned.

Shu: "Boo."

She almost screamed after he scared at her, glancing at behind her and pouted angrily.

(Y/N): "Shu! Don't scared me like that!"

He chuckled.

Shu: "Sorry, I just want to see you after my work is done. So, what are you doing?"

(Y/N): "Nothing, just watched their training."

He hummed as he carried her in bridal style, making (Y/N) yelped in surprised. Shu smirked.

Shu: "Then, let's go to my room, shorty."

She had an 💢💢 mark as she smacked his shoulder in childish way.

(Y/N): "Stop calling me that, stupid albino!!"

His smirk even wider when she called him like that.

Shu: "Well, if you say that again, I'm gonna make it up to you~"

He said in seductive tone, while taking her to his room. She gulped as he put her on his bed.

(Y/N): "Please! Don't do that! I'm too young for this!"

She said in childishly, making him burst in laughed.

Shu: "No, it's not like I'm gonna do 'it'. What I mean is....can I kiss you?"

She blushed at him sudden. She look away.

(Y/N): "I..I don't know..."

He smirked.

Shu: "Can I..cutie?"

She sighed, turned her head to him as he smashed his lip into hers. (Y/N) eyes widened, melted to kiss in calmed. After a few minutes, they broked their kiss, (Y/N) still blushing.

Shu: "Sorry about my action all of sudden. I just can't take it of your cute, even you're short."

She was glaring at him. He continued.

Shu: "But, I love you, (Y/N)."

Her heart was racing at his confession. She then confessed.

(Y/N): "I...I love you too, Shu."

He smiled, hugging her small body in comfortable. Kiss on her head.

Shu: "(Y/N), I love you not just because of your heights, but you're very friendly and somehow act child."

She smiled.

(Y/N): "Oh, Shu. I thought you confessed me because of my personality."

Shu frowned.

Shu: "No, why would I think of that? I don't care about your personality. You're perfect the way you are."

(Y/N) huffed, gave him a small smiled and Shu still hugging her like there was now tomorrow.

(Y/N): "I'm happy to heard it, Shu."


860 words

Finally done!! My story kinda bad and short because of my mind was blanked. Hope you like it.


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