God/ Evolution (Seductive Red Eye x Shy Reader)

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Requested by CureFire14

Thanks for the request and I'm very sorry for make you wait for this long request :(. I was on holiday. So, here's the story you've been waiting for :)

This one is very different of storyline and I make an AU. I'm gonna changes reader's pronoun 'she' to 'you'.

This one might cringe😶. But, hope you like it!


(No one POV)

It was a snowy days before three weeks chrismas day. In Spain, many people were doing normally, including in BC Sol.

In BC Sol, they were on training after the tournament at America. Only one shy girl who wasn't a blader.

Your name is (Y/N) Kuroda. You're Kris's little sister and your age same as Free. They were childhood when they have beyblading together.

Until now, Free was now blader while Kris become the owner of BC Sol after their grandfather passed away.

(Y/N) just average girl who wasn't beyblading like them, only help cook with Ange. You really loves cooking with her.

After you saw Valt, Rantaro and Cuza back in BC Sol a months ago, they told them, including you, in the Snake Pit had a strongest blader name Red Eye.

They said he's rude and cold-hearted blader when he's battle with his opponents with no mercy.

You thought that's kinda scary when he was battle and try to destroy the bey.

Until one day...
(Your's P.O.V)

I was walking around the forest on snowy day. I feel boring because they were on training all by themselves while my sister, Kris, do her own work.

As I approached to beside the lake had turn into ice, I sat beside the river iced, hugging my knees while watching the snow falling.

Unknown to me, I feel someone was watching me from behind. I shrugged it off and continue to watch the view.

As I enjoy watch the snowflakes fall from the sky, I feel a hand touched my shoulder, making me flinched as a voices speak on deep tone.

???: "What's a little girl like you doing here on snowy day?"

I quickly look behind me as I saw a person who wore a black mask with red stripes but only I can see is his mouth. My eyes widened. It was:

Me: "R-Red E-Eye??!!"

(Red Eye's P.O.V)

I was now in Spain, looking for opponents to show them that I'm strong. Even on snowy day, they probably training inside.

As I walked pass the lake had frozen, I saw a little girl who was sitting beside the lake ice alone.

She wore a (f/c) coat to cover her body from coldness. I wasn't sure if I want to go to her or not. She seems lonely. Doesn't she had a friend.

Probably..no. I unconciously walk to behind her as I touched her shoulder to take her attention. She flinched at my touch as I asked,

Him: "What's a little girl like you doing here, on snowy day?"

She look at behind and her eyes went wided to see my appeariances.

???: "R-Red E-Eye??!!"

I stared at her with eye burrowed, but she can't see it on my mask.

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