God/ Evolution (Red Eye x Snake Pit blader Reader)

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Requested by Inshira_Nisshoku.

Sorry that I post it and made you wait for so long. So, here you go, a story that you want^^

Now, onto the story!!


(You POV)

My name is (E/C) Eye from the snake pit and yes. I joined this team because I wanna become a strongest blader for my best. I'm not the bad person, unlike the other male bladers. I even wear my mask in girly style, but not male style

And I also heard a blader from Supreme Four was joined in Snake Pit also and I could tell he was Shu Kurenai, I persume. I don't know reason why he join in here, maybe it's because he lost against his rival?

I still not sure and now he was called Red Eye for himself to bet stronger. Whenever he practice alone, my closer friend, Boa, impressed at his beyblading and really wish want to be like him.

But sadly, Red Eye ratherly gave him a cold shoulder and not very interest on him. He gloomed and I pursued him.

ONLY, when I ask him to battle, he allowed it in soft way when I was around him. Even though my rank almost same as him, but he really like to battle with me for almost everyday.

I know I like to battle him, but this is too much and I can't take it anymore. I wanna practice Boa turn but that red masked blader dragged me away from Boa and gave him an excuses to practice with me.

(Y/N)/(E/C) Eye: "Red Eye, I told you that I need to practice with my friend!"
I said in annoyed tone to him. Red Eye gritted his teeth.

Red Eye/ Shu: "You can't lie to me! I wanna battle with you!!"
He said in harsh tone. I don't scared of his dark attitude.

(Y/N)/ (E/C) Eye: "No, you need to practice alone. Beside, it has been many days that I didn't battle with Boa."
I said in calm. Red Eye was about to say something until..

Ashtem: (E/C) Eye, let him battle with you. You can't just let him practice alone."
He said with a grinned. I frowned as I saw Red Eye smirked at me. I sighed.

(Y/N)/ (E/C) Eye: "Fine. Only this time."
Ashtem smiled.

Ashtem: "Good, I take my leave now."
With that, he left me and Red Eye alone. He smirk never fade at me. I glared at him.

(Y/N)/ (E/C) Eye: "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's battle."

Red Eye: "Sure~"

After me and Red Eye battle, I take a rest from battling against Red Eye and drinking some water. Then, my friend, Boa, came into the training centre.

Boa: "Hey, (E/C) Eye. How's the battle with Red Eye?"
He asked, sat beside me. I sighed heavily.

(Y/N)/ (E/C) Eye: Kinda intense than other day. He's now more stronger than before.
He just look down.

Boa: "Y'know, (E/C) Eye. I kinda jealous of you."
He had a sad smiled. I stared at him confused.

(E/C) Eye: "Why're you jealous about?"

Boa: That you got more attention from Red Eye and whenever you try to avoiding him, he always want to ask you to battle."
I hummed for a second and said.

(E/C) Eye: "I understand, Boa. If you really want to battle with him, you must hardworking till you get stronger and beat him."
I gave him a cheered. Boa smiled at me.

Boa: "Thanks, (Y/N)."

(E/C) Eye: "You're welcome."
And yes, he's the only one can call my real name. Because he was my closest friend, so that's why.

Boa: "Oh, anyway. I need to practice now. See ya."
He left me after he gave me a waved as I waved him back. I closed my eyes in calmed until someone was came to me and sat beside me. I didn't look at the person back.

Red Eye/ Shu: "(E/C) Eye, or should I say.....(Y/N)."
My eyes wided after he called my real name as I glared at the person who always never leave me alone. He smirked.

(E/C) Eye: "You! How do you know my real name?!!"

Red Eye/ Shu: "Because I heard you and Boa chatting until I heard he said your real name."
I scoffed.

(E/C) Eye: "Well, it's because he was my closest friend and he can call my name whatever he want. So, what's your business?!"
His smirked even wider as he got closer to me and said.

Red Eye: "Nothing, I just want to know your real face. Since you know my face reveal, now it's my turn to see yours."
He dared me, I sighed once again. Hope he not fell for me.

(E/C) Eye: "Sure."
Then, I opened my masked amd revealed my face in front of him. Red Eye smirk turn into a sweet smiled that suit with him.

Red Eye: "How cute your face are~ Anyway, before I left.."
He then pecked me on my lip as I yelped. He broke it with an evil smirked.

Red Eye: "I love you."
With that, he left me in speechless. He loved me?! But, I don't have feeling for him, but I still can gain my trust to him.

(Y/N): "I maybe don't like you, but I still need to think about it."


Finally done!! I really hope you like, Inshira_Nisshoku.


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