Sparking/ Surge (Sick Shu Kurenai x Reader)

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Requested by kpopbts959

Thanks for the request and it will be a fluff^^. Anyway, onto to the story!!


(Me POV)

Worker 1: "Hey, Shu. You look pale today. Should I ask your friend to check on you?"
He/she asked the albino. He shook his head.

Shu: "No need. I can take care of by myself. You may leave."
He said as the worker went out from his office. His head suddenly feel ache when he was doing a paperworks.

Shu: *in his mind* Ugh!! My head is hurt and my body feels weak.
Then, he continued do the work until.

???: "Hey, Shu. It's me, (Y/N). Can I come in?"
Shu nodded, still feel headache, but mostly dizzy.

Shu: "Yes, you can come in."
Then, a (h/c)nette female entered to his office with a documents as she gave it to him.

(Y/N): "Here, a new documents for today."
She gave him a sweet smiled. Shu smiled back at her while he held his head.

Shu: "Thanks, (Y/N)."
He said, suddenly his head become more dizzy. (Y/N) noticed him as she went closer to him and touched his forehead. It was hot.

(Y/N): "Shu!! You had a fever! You need to rest or go to see a doctor!!"
She said panicly. Shu shook his head, stubbornly.

Shu: "No, I can't. I"
Before he finsihed his sentences, he fainted as (Y/N) caught him before Shu got hitted by the floor.

(Y/N)'s face turned red that how closed he was on her lap. She snapped out of the thought as she carried him to his room with her strength.

(Y/N): "Don't worry, Shu. I'm gonna called the doctor."
After she brought him to his room, she quickly called the doctor immediately for a few minutes.

After the called, (Y/N) brought a wet towel with a bowl of water as she put the small towel on his forehead. Shu was now calmed from hotness. (Y/N) sighed in relief.

(Y/N): "You'll be ok, Shu. Doctor will be here sooner or later."

Doctor was checking of the albino while (Y/N) watched him/her how Shu is now. After the doctor checked him, he/she went to (Y/N) and said..

Doctor: "It seems that he need to rest from the work and he got a headache."
She sighed that his fever wasn't so serious.

(Y/N): "Oh, thank goodness. It's anything else, doctor?"
She asked him/her.

Doctor: "No, only someone who need to take care of him or his girlfriend."
(Y/N) blushed when the doctor mentioned Shu's girlfriend. She calmed down.

(Y/N): "Ok, thank you for that."

Doctor: "You're welcome and don't forget to told him that he need to eat medicines after eat."
(Y/N) nodded. Doctor gave her the medicines and left.

A (h/c)nette female went to his sleeping form as she sat beside him, not that closer. Shu was sleeping very calmed. (Y/N) caressing his cheek softly and said...

(Y/N): "Shu, I know this sound crazy, but....I love you from the beginning. I love you because you always help me how to beyblading at Beigoma. You even company me when I was all alone. And never leave by my side. I love you, in romantically."

Then, she leaned to his mouth and kissed him softly. Just then, she felt his lips moved forward. Her eyes widened as she was about to broke the kiss until one hand pull her head into Shu's face to kiss more. A few minutes later, they finally let go from the kiss. (Y/N) look and see Shu awaked with a smiled. She blushed.

Shu: "(Y/N), I love you too. In romantically."
She blushed once again. Making him smirk at her cute face.

(Y/N): " S-Shu, y-you h-heard w-what I-I-I'm saying!!?"
She said in flustered way. Shu chuckled softly and nodded.

Shu: "Yeah, (Y/N). I already heard from the beginning when I concious.
Her face went '-///-' because he already know her confessions.

(Y/N): "So, does that mean..."

Shu: "Yes, that mean I heard it. And I love you too. Thanks for taking care of me."
She smiled at him.

(Y/N): "It was nothing and next time, don't be stubborn and take a rest."
She scolded at the albino. Shu chuckled once again.

Shu: "Ok, (n/n). I will."
Shu and (Y/N) are now couple and the albino male was taking a rest from fever. His best friend, Valt, pay a visit from Spain because he was worried sick at his bff.

Shu was faceplamed at Valt that he brings some beybreads to him, including (Y/N) and Shu's student, Lane and Fubuki.

Shu finally got recovered from fever and continued do his work, but not like before because (Y/N) helped him also.

Shu: "Hey, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "*glanced at him* Yes, Shu?"
He smiled at her.

Shu: "Wanna hang out with me, after the work?"
(Y/N) smiled at him and nodded.

(Y/N): "Sure, I would love too."

They giggled as they do their works.


There, done!! For the first time I wrote the one shot book and terribly sorry that my grammar was cringe T^T

Anyway. Hope you like this story!!
Bye2!! Aďios!

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