Dynamite Battle/ Quaddrive (Vampire Shu Kurenai x Reader)

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Requested by Inshira_Nisshoku

Tysm for the request and this is an AU that you want it.

Anyway, onto the story!!


(No one POV)

In human world, a vampires from the black world and want to drank the bloods to survives.

They even controlled the human as the livestock for their drinks. A vampire king was ruled in human world and give the human a life peaceful and always followed his orders.

It has been 100 years human life became cruel and never get free life. A vampire king just want a love from human, but the other females weren't perfect for him, until one day...
A young teenage female named (Y/N) (L/N) was sitting on the grass while watching the stars from above in the middle of the night.

What she didn't know that two vampires were watching her from afar as they approched to her and said.

???: "Miss (L/N)."
She glanced at that voiced and shocked to see two vamps were in front of here as she took a step back.

(Y/N): "W-What do you want from me?!"

???: "We're here to taking you to the palace where the vampire king lived and you're gonna follow us."
He said in serious tone. (Y/N) didn't want to follow those bloodsucker.

(Y/N): "No, I'm not following you two!!"

???: "Listen, this is an order from the vampire king and if you don't follow us, you will be punish!"

(Y/N) eyes wided at their warned. She had no choice but following them.

(Y/N): "Ok, I'm going."

???: "Good, now follow us."

Just then, they brought (Y/N) to the dark palace and were going on the car.
After they reached to the palace, both of vamps brought her inside to meet the vampire king.

At the hall, a vampire king was sitting on the king chair for waiting someone that he want to meet.

As he saw two vampires brought a (h/c) haired in the big hall of the palace, his lip turn into smiled at her arriving. He look at his guards.

???: "Your highness, we brought a human girl that you want for."

???: "Good, you two can leave now."
They nodded as they left her and a vampire king alone.

A vampire king named Shu Kurenai and his age was 257 years old on 20th century. He walked to (Y/N) who was still standing and look down. He went in front of her as he lift her chin up to look at him. Shu smiled at her.

Shu: "Hello, you must be (Y/N), I persume?"
She nodded at him.

Shu: "What a nice name and my name is Shu Kurenai, a vampire king."

(Y/N): "A-Are you gonna kill me?"
Shu was surprised at her questioned. He shook his head.

Shu: "No, I won't kill you. I'm brought you here because I want you to stay in my palace. But don't worry, I won't do any harm on you and you'll be safe with me."

He said, want to gained her trust and want to start a relationship after all eternity. (Y/N) had a small smiled and agree to stay.

(Y/N): "Ok then."

Shu smiled as he hold her hand and showed her around the palace.

After that, he let her to stay in her new bedroom. Her room was so fancy and royal. Her eyes wided and awed at her new room.

Shu: "So, do you like it?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I like it. And thanks for letting me stay in here."

Shu (smiled): "You're welcome and I'm glad you like it."
(Y/N) was happy that he treat her nicely as she hugged him tightly. Shu eyes widened at her action as he hugged her back.

Shu then smell of her blood from her neck as he leaned in deep. (Y/N) felt his face was closer to her neck as she felt his tongue licked her neck, making her face blush.

Shu was about to bite but he snapped from the thought as he let go of her and take a stay back. (Y/N) was confuse at him.

Shu: "Sorry, (Y/N). Your blood is so sweet and I can't control myself at your scent."

(Y/N) know what it means as she went closer to here and show her neck in front of him.

(Y/N): "You can drink from mine."
Shu look away.

Shu: "No, I can't! It's not like I want your blood."

(Y/N): "But you did let me stay with you and as a reward, drink my blood."

Then, he went closer to her as he embraced her tightened.

Shu: "Are you sure?"
She nodded conformly.

Shu: "Ok, It won't hurt. I promise."

He leaned to her neck once again and sniffed it. His fangs poked out from his mouth to bite it. (Y/N) was nervous as he rubbed her back to calm down.

Shu then bite her neck as gentle as he could and began to suck the blood. She groaned painly as she gripped her black cape. Shu's eyes began glow when he drank it.

After a few minutes, he stopped drinking as he took his fangs out from her flesh, licked it to heal the wound as he lifted up.

(Y/N) almost lost concious, but luckily Shu caught her from losing her strength. Her eyes were weak and almost close it. Shu caressed her cheek.

Shu: "I'm so sorry that I drank to much, (n/n)."

He said, feel guilt that he drank her blood to much. (Y/N) just smiled, hold his pale face as he leaned into her touch.

(Y/N): "It's ok, it's not your fault. You just seem to be thirsty."
She said in low tone because of her energy was weak.

Shu brought her to bed and cuddled her to make a comfortable.

Shu: "Let's take a rest and enjoy our moment."
She nodded as she closed her eyes in deep sleep from tiredness. Shu smiled at her cute sleeping face as he kissed her lip softly.

Shu: "Good night, (Y/N). And I love you. You'll soon become my queen and stay with me forever."

With that, he closed his eyes and went sleep with his new bride.


Done!! This is kinda suck because my idea got blank 🥲. Anyway, I hope you like it, Shira-chan.


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