Chouzetsu/ Turbo (Possessives Shu Kurenai x Girlfriend Reader)

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Requested by Inshira_Nisshoku

I'm sorry that I post it lately, I hope you like my story and it's gonna be a fluff ^w^.


A (h/c) haired female was begging on her boyfriend, Shu, to hang out with Free, but he won't allowed it. She's still begged non-stop.

(Y/N): "Pleeeaaase, Shu~ Can I hang oht with Free? Just Once~"
She make a pleaded eyes. Shu can't stand at her cute eyes as he said...

Shu: "No, I won't allow you to hang out with Free. You can only hang out with me."

He said strictly, and also possessively because he don't want his girlfriend hang out with the other guy. (Y/N) pouted.

(Y/N): "But Shu-"

Shu: "No buts, just stay with me."

He then hugged his lover and never let go. (Y/N) had a pink tinted on her cheeks.

Shu: "If you never listen to me or not staying with me, I'll make it up to you."

He said with a smirks. She blushed, hid her face into his chest as he chuckled and patted her head.

Shu: "Just kidding, anyway. I need to do some paperwork and don't go anywhere or near the guy, understand?"

She nodded at him. Shu smiled at her as he broked the hug.

Shu: "Good girl. I'm off now."
With that, he left (Y/N) alone from the training centre.

Shu being possessive when he saw many guy want (Y/N) and confess theit feeling. Shu just dragged her away from the guy.

Whenever he saw his girlfriend talk to the other guy, he would simply pushed the guy away from (Y/N) and gave them a death glared as they ran away.

(Y/N) know why he act like that, but she also want to hang out with someone when Shu was busy of his works.

But she was lucky that Fubuki was (Y/N)'s friend only, including Valt and Rantaro were also her friends.

Now, back to (Y/N), she was eating her favourite food, macaroni cheese at the cafetaria on evening time.

As she ate, someone was backhugged her in protectively. (Y/N) almost choked her food as she look behind her and saw her possessive-boyfriend hugged her. Shu smiled at her, (Y/N) had a deadpanned at him.

(Y/N): "Shu, can you please let me go now? I was eatinb right now."
He was smirking at her.

Shu: "Not until you finish your food."

What Shu and (Y/N) don't know that every people in cafetaria stared at those two. (Y/N) noticed it and feel embarrassed as she glared at him.

(Y/N): "This is all your fault, stupid albino! Hmph!"
He just chuckled and grinned.

Shu: "Let them be. As long as I can hug my girlfriend."

(Y/N) make a face '😑' at her boyfriend, but she was happy that she had someone like him since 11.
Timeskip on the next day

(Y/N) was helping him to finish some paperworks. It's not (Y/N) want it, but Shu ask her to help and the other reason is he don't want her talk to the guy again. It's because...



Shu was looking for (Y/N) to ask her for a lunch as he saw his girlfriend chat with the random guy. He then went to them as he pulled her up and hugged her in possessively, glaring at him.

Shu: "Go back to your work now and don't talk to my girlfriend, UNDERSTAND?!"

The random guy nodded, scared at his glared as he ran off. (Y/N) had a tick mark on her head as she smacked his head. Shu yelped in pain.

(Y/N): "What is wrong with you?! I'm just chatting with him, not kissing!"

Shu had a sighed heavily as he carried her in bridal style, making (Y/N) shocked at his action.

Shu: "I told you don't talk to the other guy."

(Y/N): "I know, but not talking too much."

Shu: "I don't care and punishment is help me to do a paperwork."
He said in strictly. She groaned.

(Y/N): "No, I won't do it!"
He smirked at her disagree his.

Shu: "Well, how about I make it up to you~"

She realized what he mean as she changed her mind.

(Y/N): "Ok, ok. I'll do it."

Shu: "Good."
He whispered in proud that she listened to him.
End of flashbacked

(Y/N) finally finished some paperworks as she rest. Shu also finished it as he take all the paperworks and put it beside the table.

Shu then carried her and brought her to his bedroom. (Y/N) just stared at his hamdsome face. They went inside of his room as he put her on the bed with a grinned. She had a confused face.

(Y/N): "Umm, what's with that grin, Shu?"
His grin turn into a smirk, a naughty one.

Shu: "Nothing, just want to make it up to you right now~"

(Y/N) had a red face into a kettle sound. His smirk even wider.

Shu: "I'm gonna do it because of your cute face."

And then, he goes into her for a long night. (Y/N) had an anger face.

(Y/N): "Damn you, Kurenai!!!"
The next morning

Shu and (Y/N) were sleeping together after he do it with his girlfriend. She can't move for a week and had a pissed of her boyfriend.

They woke up as the albino get up first and saw her body was ache. Shu had a guilty smiled as she glared at him.

Shu: "Morning, (n/n). Did you have a good sleep?"
He asked while chuckled nervously. (Y/N) dumbfounded at his questioned.

(Y/N): "First, this is not morning to you and second, yeah, except I can't move because you were to rough!"

Shu chuckled at her cute angry face as he kissed her forehead.

Shu: "Sorry, I just can't get rid of my jealousy about you always hangout with other guy."

She sighed.

(Y/N): "Whatever, I don't blame you."
Shu smirked at her.

Shu: "So....wanna do i-"

(Y/N): "No!! I don't want it! That's enough!"

He hold his laughter and love to tease her. And from now, he took care of her for a week.


Finally done!! This is kinda romantic moment and I hope you like it.


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