Chouzetsu/ Turbo (Overprotective Brother Shu Kurenai x Little Sister Reader)

285 13 12

Requested by LadyireneSofia1502

It's actually (Overprotective Brother Shu Kurenai x Naughty Little Sister Reader). And it said limited than 80 characters 😳. What in the heck?!

*sighed* nevermind. I hope you like this story!^^


(No one POV)

???: "Hey, big brother. Can I play with my friends?"

An innocent girl age around 10 years old, asked to her big brother with a puppy eyes. He shook his head.

???: "I'm sorry, lil sis. No. You must be want to hang out with the boys, am I right (Y/N)?"

He said in sternly tone. She make an innocent face and smiled sheepishly at him.

(Y/N): "Maybe..."

He sighed, hugging his lil sister.

Shu: "Don't get any closer to any guys or they do something bad at you."

You pouted at his alerted.

(Y/N): "But, big brother. Can't I just-"

Shu: "No, I said no."

He said strictly making you pouted.

(Y/N): "*sighed* Ok."

Shu: "*smiled* Good girl."

(Y/N): *mumbled with a grinned* Granpa."

She said in low tone, but he heard it what his lil sis said to him, an irk mark appeared on his head.

Shu: "(Y/N)!! I heard what you call me!"

She let your tongue out at him and ran off.

(Y/N): "Sorry, not sorry, big brother!!"

He sighed at her naughtiness and sighed.

Shu: "What a naughty sister, and yet cute one."
(Author POV)

Oh, I almost forgot. You are Shu's little sister and naughty one. Your brother somehow stressed at your behaviour, but still he always love his sister no matter what.

Except, whenever you were hanging out with the boys, he being protective with you and not letting you to hangout with the boys.

Many times you told him that you want to be friends with the guys, but Shu not allow it.

Until now...


(No one POV)

She were laid on her bed while muffling something after her brother weren't allow her to hang out with the guys.

Then, her idea popped up, stood up with an evil smiled.

(Y/N): "I had an idea how to prank with my brother. Hehehe~"

She then made a plan for herself to prank at her brother that she was on a date with a boy.

Then, she dialed him on her phone and wait for his answer.
With Shu

He was working some documents after he said to his naughty sister to not hang out with any other guy.

Suddenly, his phone ranged as he take his phone beside him and saw (Y/N) was calling him.

He hummed for a second with blanked expression as he answered the call.

Shu: "Hey, lil sis. What do you want now?"

He asked, heard she was giggling a little as she said.

(Y/N): "Hey, big brother. Nothing, just I was dating with a guy name (R/G/N)."

His eyes went wide when he heard 'dating' with a guy. He then spoke,

Shu: "What?! (Y/N)! Why didn't you tell me without my permission!? Especially hang out with a guy!!"

She chuckles from his phone.

(Y/N): "I was bored and do nothing, so I would like to hang out. Anyway, bye!"

Shu: "Wait-"

Then, she ended up the call. Shu got up from the chair as he went out from his office and went to (Y/N)'s dorm.

Shu: "That kid! I swear if she said truly, I'll drag her away from that (R/G/N) guy!"

He then rushed to the dorm at 20th floor, in the elevator.
With (Y/N)

She was laughing very hard after she pranked at him that she was faking a date, not in the real life.

(Y/N): "*laughed* B-Big brother....really..don't know that....I pranked him..hahaha...that was funny...Hahaha!"

What she didn't know that at the outside of her dorm was heard at her secret prank. He had a piss off.

Shu: "So, my lil sis was pranking me huh? I must teach her a lesson."

Then, he knocked the door softly as she stopped from laughing. She get up and went to the door as she opened it and saw..

Her brother standing for a minute with an arms crossed and piss off his face. (Y/N) gulped, as he went inside with a glared, she back off.

Shu: "So, you were pranking me, huh?"

He asked, in dangerous tone. Making you feel bad at it.

(Y/N): "I-I'm so sorry, big brother. I-It was a prank and I was bored before-"

Shu: "Then, you shouldn't do that! I was worry and I don't like to see you hanging out with the other guy."

She was about to run pass him, but he already caught her as he out her on the bed as he tickled her, making you laughed non-stop. Shu smirked.

Shu: "That's what you got for pranking me, lil sis."

He then tickled her more as a punishment. (Y/N) keep laughing at tickling.

(Y/N): "B-Big brother..hahaha..s-stop HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Shu stopped from tickling. She was taking a breathe after he tackled you. He smirked at his little sister.

Shu: "Such a naughty sister. Next time, don't prank at me again or else...I'll tickle you more for an hour. Remember that, (Y/N) Kurenai."

She get up and nodded at him.

(Y/N): "Y-Yeah, I won't do that again, big brother. I'm sorry."

He smiled at her sad pouted. He patted her head.

Shu: "It's fine. Wanna eat carbonara with me?"

Her eyes sparkled.

(Y/N): "Yeah! I really want it!"

He chuckled at her childish behaviour.

Shu: "Alright then."


Phew!! Finally done and it has been a month that I didn't update, I'm very sorry for that.

Hope you like this story, LadyireneSofia1502.


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