Sparking/Surge (Yandere Mafia King/Husband Shu Kurenai x Wife Reader)

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Requested by MiraculousPokeblader

The tittle is actually continued -Innocent and Childish Wife Reader and the tittle space was enough and can't add🥲

Hope you understand and onto the story!!


(No one POV)

In Raging Bull building, a mafia king named Shu Kurenai was waiting for a person who was trying to take his wife away from last week.

A few minutes later, his members of mafia king, Fubuki and Lane, finally brought a guy that Shu's ordered. That guy was (R/N) and had a fear on his face to see a mafia king was glaring at him in dark.

Lane: "Sir, here's the guy that you search for."
Shu look at him in serious expressions.

Shu: "Good, you two can leave in here."

Lane and Fubuki bowed as they left and closed the door. (R/N) was tied on the chair after they left as Shu went to him in dark stared with a gun. A random guy had a fear on his eyes and Shu didn't give a sh*t if someone dare to touch his beloved wife.

Shu: "Now, (R/N). Before I'm gonna shoot you, why're you trying to flirt to my wife?!"
He asked in furious. (R/N) gulped at his dangerous tone.

(R/N): "Y-You m-mistunderstood..I-I never t-try to-"
The albino then shut his stuttered up.

Shu: "Silent! And I don't want ti heard it and I just want to know why!!"
(R/N) doesn't know how to say and he completely speechless and no reason to answer.

Shu: "No answer, huh. Well, I hope you stay in hell!!"
Just then, Shu shot him through that heart so he can't live anymore. Shu had an evil smirked on his face.

Shu: "That's your punishment to take my wife. Stay in hell now, sl*t."
He asked the guardian brought the dead body to the graveyard so no one notice where (R/N)'s dead body was.
After he done his work, he went back to terrace house where he and his wife live in America. First, they live in Japan until now they transferred to America.

As he went to his house, he opened the door with a happy smiled to see how his wife doing.

In the house, a woman named (Y/N) Kurenai was sitting on the couch while reading her favourite novel.

As she read, (Y/N) heard the door opened at the main room as she pretend that she was reading. Until her husband wrapped his arms around her body and was on top of her with a smiled.

(Y/N) giggled at Shu actions. He was still not enough and want to hug her more.

(Y/N): "Shu, please. Can you let me go now?"
Shu doesn't listen to her as he went in front of her, pecked her lip lovingly. (Y/N) blushed.

Shu: "My dear, how are you today?"
A (h/c) haired female smiled.

(Y/N): "I'm doing fine, just bored."
She whine like a child and innocent. Shu chuckled at her behaviour.

(Y/N): "And what about you? How's your mafia work?"
That word made Shu silent and his eyes turned dark. (Y/N) smile faded and scared at his aura.

Shu: "It's none of your business and just thinking about your own."
He said in cold tone. She nodded slowly.

(Y/N) found out that Shu was mafia king before they marry. She thought a mafias team would slay, kill and being dirty on women.

Unlike Shu, he was fell in love with (Y/N) because he thought she was his sun and angel. She was scared and thought he was gonna do like the other mafias.

But she was wrong, Shu treat her like a queen and never hurt her. Shu only hurt someone who stole her from his. Mostly punish them or kill them.

And now, they married because he want to keep her in his house alone so no one know where (Y/N) was.

Shu: "Sorry about my behaviour. I just don't want you to know about my dangerous dark. Even you already know that I'm a mafia king in Raging Bull, you must keep it a secret, understand."

She nodded once again and don't want Shu mad at her. Shu noticed she become quite as he sat on the couch, comforted her.

Shu: "Don't be scare, my love. It's not like I'm gonna punish you, I just warned you."
She knows that he won't do any harm on her since she was his wife.

Shu: "Anyway, wanna eat some carbonara."
Her eyes lit up and had a bright smiled.

(Y/N): "I would love too!!"
Shu chuckled once again.

Shu: "Ok then."

Then, he make a carbonara for his precious wife while (Y/N) just sitting on the couch for waiting. He didn't mind it, as long as he can eat together with her.

After he cooked, they started to eat carbonara together like a date. (Y/N) eat like a child and had a sauce carbonara on her cheek. When he saw it, he lick it in sexy way, making her blush intensely. He smirked at her and want to do more.

(Y/N): "Shu! That's enough! Stop licking my cheek!"
She whined childishly. Shu still not stop.

Shu: "I just can't help it, but your face was so cute and I can't take it anymore."
She pouted.

(Y/N): "I'm not a food!!"
Shu giggled naughtily.

Shu: "Sorry, I won't do that again."

(Y/N): "You bet!"
After they ate the dinner, Shu and (Y/N) slept together on their bed. Shu sleep while hugging his wife in possessively. (Y/N) had a cute innocent sleeping form as he embrace her in tighter.

Shu kissed her head in several times and non-stop. Shu smiled, he finally had his angel by his side and won't leave on dark anymore.

Shu: "My love, don't you dare to leave me alone. I can't live without you. You're my light who can make me happy from the dark. I had a dark past that they called me freak. And now you're here, I won't do like the other mafia. If they were trying to do something bad to you, I'll kill them and send them to the hell."

After a long speaking, he slept in peaceful. Shu wasn't alone anymore.

(Y/N) had a fear on her face on the wedding ceremony. At the corner, he had a smiled hapiness to see his bride was coming.

She walked passed by them with a flower. As she went to the corner, Shu and (Y/N) hold their hands together as the wedding minister make the wedding ceremony.

After all the speech, the wedding minister said...

Minister: "You two may kiss your brides."

Then, Shu and (Y/N) kissed, for her, she had a gloomed expression that she married with the mafia king but for Shu, he was very happy to marry with her.

They applaused at them were married. Shu lifted her chin up to stared at his handsome face and smiled.

Shu: "I'm so happy that I have you, my love."
She smiled at him back, but not happy.

(Y/N): "So am I. Just, why me? I'm just a childish person."
Shu sighed and didn't care at her personality.

Shu: "I don't care. Childish or not, I still love you no matter what. For me, you're my angel."
He kissed her forehead, making her smiled sweetly and chuckled.

Shu: "Now, let's celebrate our wedding, shall we?"

(Y/N): "We shall."

And so, they eat their wedding cake for them while the other eat some foods.


Finally done, sorry that this story had missing or something. Hope you like it.


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