Chouzetsu/ Turbo (Shu Kurenai x Lui's Little Sister Reader)

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Requested by Missingium

Thank you so much for the request and very sorry that I post it very late because of my family problem.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!!!


A blue flames haired male felt disappointed and yet had fun battle with a blader who wants to be a champion in the world.

Lui: "*scoffed* Aiger Akabane, you maybe defeated me in the final, but you still weak blader for me.

He said, went out from the Luinor Cup. As he walked, he heard a girl voice that he feels familiar as he look behind and saw....

His little sister, (Y/N). Her haired was light blue coloured and her eyes were (e/c) eyes. Lui grinned to see his sister came.

(Y/N) ran to him as she hugged her big brother with a smiled on her face.

(Y/N): "Brother Lui, I missed you!"

Lui: "Same for me."

He said, hugging her back and patted her light blue one. A minutes later, they broke their hugs.

(Y/N): "Hey, Lui. I saw your last battle against Aiger and you losed. I should be the one who gonna battle that boy."

Lui smirked at her that she want replaced him to battle Aiger. But, he was happy to heard at it.

Lui: "Well, you should. But you still need to practice more and training. Only your own training."

He said, cared at her. He won't allowed his sister to used his own training because it was too intense. (Y/N) understood him.

(Y/N): "Alright, Lui. Oh and also.."

Lui: "Hmm?"

(Y/N): "Can I go to America and meet someone?"

She asked in pleaded. Lui eye burrowed at her.

Lui: "Who are you gonna meet to?"

She had nervous on her face, sweated on her forehead as she speak.

(Y/N): "If I said the truth, don't mad at me, ok."

Lui still confused and had annoyed face.

Lui: "Just split it out already, lil sis. I'm listening."

(Y/N): "I want to see.....Shu Kurenai.."

Lui almost choked himself when he heard his little sister want to see his old rival at America. He scoffed.

Lui: "What for? He's my-"

(Y/N): "I know, your old rival. And accidentaly made a scar on his right eye."

His eyes wided that she know about the past.

Lui: "Wait a second. How do you know about this?!"

He asked in curious. (Y/N) explained to him that she met him at Beigoma School when Lui was busy on his beyblading. When she met the albino, he know that (Y/N) was Lui's little sister and she thought he was gonna hate her or do something bad, but he didn't. He thought of her that she waa kind, polite and honest. Shu and her get along till the last tournemant and he even told her that her brother made a scar on his right eye. (Y/N) feel sorry at him, but Shu said 'it's fine, that's the past. My scar somehow gave me the strength.' She awed at him and become very close.

Lui: "I see, I never knew he was soo kind to my little sister."

He said in mocked. She just giggled at her brother attitude.

(Y/N): "Sooo, can I go now?"

She asked again. Lui sighed at her stubborness and want to company her.

Lui: "Ok, fine. You can. BUT, I'm gonna follow you to America and that's it."

She smiled happily.

(Y/N): "Yeay!! Now, let's go to America!!"

Lui: "Alright, alright. Let's go."
At America

Lui and (Y/N) walked through the street to the Raging Bull building. The blue flames male just company her and don't want to see his rival do something else.

As they reached to the buidling, they went inside of the buidling. (Y/N) then saw a male with black coat and he was smiling at her. At Lui, his smiled fade. (Y/N) quickly went to him as he gave her a patted head.

Shu: "Hey, (Y/N). I see you came here along with your brother."

He said in low tone on last words. (Y/N) pouted at him. Lui glared at Shu because he was patting his lil sis head.

(Y/N): "Yeah, and don't get me wrong because Lui just want a company me and so.."

Shu nodded slightly. Know what she means as he galnced at Lui and stared.

Shu: "I see why you're here, Lui. Want to company your sister. So kind."

He said flatly. Lui scoffed at his responded.

Lui: "I'm doing this for her and it's not of your business."

Shu smirked at his annoyed attitude as he speak.

Shu: "Well, can't I hang out with your little sister?"

He asked in flirted tone as he hugged (Y/N) and to see how Lui's reaction. (Y/N) blushed at his reaction. Lui had a tick mark on his forehead as he went to his rival, take his lil sister away from him.

Lui: "Oi!! Don't you dare to hug my lil sis."

He warned, but Shu still smirking at him protective with (Y/N).

Shu: "Why not? She's cute and want to hug her more."

(Y/N) e.x.e had stopped after what Shu did to her. Lui feel more angry.

Lui: "Are you trying to make me angry?"

Shu: "Noo? Why would I? Is it true right, (Y/N)?"

She snapped out of thought and nodded in nervous.

Lui: "So, does that and Shu are loving for each other?"

(Y/N) nodded once againa and said...

(Y/N): "Yeah, me and Shu were in relationship since you were busy on beyblading. So, I secretly not to tell you about it."

Shu: "See, even your lil sister love me. So, what do you say?"

Lui sighed heavily. His head thinking to much and said...

Lui: "Well, if it is my lil sis love you, then I allowed it. I won't bother your relationship. But, if you do something bad on (Y/N), you will dead."

Shu chuckled quitely and nodded at his wary.

Shu: "Yeah, yeah. I won't make her sad or something bad."

Lui: "Well then. I better go now. Have fun with your lover, lil sis."

He gave (Y/N) patted head as he left. (Y/N) had a blushed on her cheeks. Shu noticed her, smirking on his face.

Shu: "You're so cute when you blush, (N/N)."

She being flustered.

(Y/N): "S-Shut up, Shu!"

He chuckled as he pecked her forehead lovingly.

Shu: "So, wanna eat the lunch, Mrs. Shirosagi?"

She grinned at him.

(Y/N): "I would love too, Mr. Kurenai."


Finally done. Very sorry for making you wait. Hope you like my story.


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