Nutella, Bathrooms and Harry Styles

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Ok continue.

Chapter 16;



And off the bed I fall. I swear, these people just love to scare me awake.

I looked up from the floor to see Eleanor standing above me with Louis on her side. I crained my neck around to see that Niall was standing outside my bedroom door, eating a banana.

"What's going on?" I questioned as I got off of the floor and walked towards by bathroom, leaving the door open and brushing my teeth.

Ugghhh. I feel sick.

"You, me, Niall and Eleanor are all going out to the shops today. Going to buy food for dinner and hang out like the 4 best friends we are! YAY!" Louis screamed out the last bit while jumping onto Niall's back, causing him to choke on the banana and cough like a maniac.

"What about everyone else?" I asked as Eleanor started laying clothes for me to wear out on the bed.

"Liam and Danielle are going to some weird museum thingy. Perrie and Zayn are going to the movies with Ed. And Harry and "the other one" are going down to the beach. Rhianne was meant to come with us, but she got a cold and feels like shit so she's going to get some rest. But she doesn't want me to stay with her here incase I get sick too, so I'm going with yous!"

Said Niall trying to ignore Louis while he flicked his ear constantly.

Eleanor saw my expression change when Louis said that Harry wouldn't be with us but with Shantell.

"Hey, we asked if Harry wanted to come with us, but he said he wanted to spend some time with her since he hasn't seen her in forever. You know his not going to do anything. There's nothing to worry about. He loves you." El said while patting my arm.

"It's not him I'm worried about. I know he won't do anything. It's the wicked which of the west I have my doubts about."


*Niall's POV*






We ignored the screams coming from Rose and El and kept rolling down the aisle. Louis was pushing the shopping cart with me sat in it.

We were on a mission.

A mission for Nutella.

It was basically the only reason that I actually came to the shops with these people. And also because Rhianne made me. But this makes me sound less whipped..

"NUTELLLLLLLLA!" I looked up to where Louis pointed and saw the huge shelf filled with Nutella.

Yeah. This is gonna be a good day.


"OK. So we have food for dinner, lunch, and breakfast, some fruit, snacks, drinks, a lot of Nutella"

Eleanor pointedly looked at me and Louis when she said nutella.

"Is that all we need?"

El asked, looking through all the bags in the trunk of the car.

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