Phone Calls, Discussions and Harry Styles

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Chapter 3;         

*Rose's POV*

I sat there, phone in hand, body numb, eyes filled with tears, throat dry.

The worst news i could possibly think of at the moment, had just been told to me through a call. I had no where to go.

"Rose? Whats wrong?" i heard my brothers voice call from a distance. I couldn't even look up, my body was to numb. All my memories.. gone... just like that.

"Rose, talk to me, whats wrong, whats happened?" Ed tries again.

"Its.. its my house.. the neighbours.. called... fire.." i tried but couldn't get the words out. I burst out into tears.

"shuuu.. its OK. Its gonna be OK." Ed tried comforting me, as he enveloped me in a warm hug.

After letting my tears fall down, soaking his shirt. I look up, wiping the fallen tears off my cheeks relaxing my breathing. Finally being able to talk, i tell Ed what happened.

"My neighbours called. They said that my house was in a huge fire, and...and everything completely ruined... its all gone. I have no where to go, no clothes, furniture. All of my photos and memories in that house, their all gone..."

"OH MY GOD! Rose I'm sooo sorry! It'll be OK, every things gonna be fine, don't worry. Ill take care of everything. You don't have to do anything, You wont have to go down there and see the house, me and the boys will take care of you. Don't worry." Ed reassured me.

"but.. but.." i sniffled. "but how do you know everything will be OK?"

"because it will. I promise"

"were am i gonna stay, i have no where to go!"

"STAY WITH ME! DU UH!" Ed Screamed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"WHAT! No I'm not gonna take up your personal space like that! No way!" I refused.

"Oh please, i never have any personal space with Harry around anyways, come on you can take up the guest bedroom, and we can turn into your own room, and i'll call the boys to come over tomorrow, and take you shopping for your clothes. I cant go because i have to go to the studio all day, but I'm sure they wont mind, especially Louis since his your best friend." He rambled on while i stood there confused and in shock of what he just said.

"wait wait wait." I broke him from his rambling. "what do you mean Harry is always around?" i asked confused as hell.

"what do you mea- OH SHIT! I forgot to tell you didn't I! Sorry, Harry lives here with me. He moved out from Louis' place, because him and Eleanor moved in together."

"WHAT? And Louis didn't tell me!? Grrr...."

"i think he thought i told you.. oops." Ed smiled sheepishly.

"It doesn't matter, either way i am NOT living with that thing you call Harold!" I told frustrated.

"Well Rose, it's either her, or out on the streets! Pick your choice!"



"Oh my god! I cant believe i actually let you convince me into doing this!"

"oh shussh, now hurry up and pick something so we can go and eat!" Niall moaned from besides Louis who was looking at racks of clothes.

We were currently shopping in Jack Wills, since Ed had somehow convinced me into living with him and harry, but now he is making me go shopping with the boys, for a whole new wardrobe, since all my clothes, and i mean ALL of them got destroyed in the fire.

Even though i was still angry at the thought of having to live with and arsehole like Harry, it was fine, because it just meant that i got to spend more time with my brother. Even if i had to try my best to not rip Harry apart with my bare hands..

"What about this one?" I was cut out of my train of thoughts by Louis' voice.

"Huh? Oh.. yeah that's cute i guess!"

"Well then go and buy it silly!"

I stuck my tongue out at him as i grabbed the cute Jack Wills jumper out of his hand and walked to the cashier.


"EEEEWWWW!!!!" I half yelled, half laughed as Louis stuck two french fries up Liam's nostrils.

"HEY! Fries are for eating! NOT PICKING YOUR NOSE!" Niall shouted seriously. Wow that boy really takes his food seriously.

Here i was sitting at Nandos with the 5 boys of One Direction after a full hard-core day of shopping and finally managing to buy enough clothes to last me a lifetime. I told Ed i didn't want him to waste his money on me, but he just didn't seem to listen. So here we are sitting. Louis trying to calm down his laughs as Liam, as Liam gives him a speech on how he is so immature and how its rude to stick french fried up people's nose's. Niall stuffing his face with food, whats new. Zayn sitting enjoying the view of his band mate get yelled at by Daddy Direction, while Harry is just sitting in his seat on his phone on twitter.

*Buzz Buzz*

I look down at my lap, to see my phone getting a call from Ed. Hmm strange, i thought he was gonna be at the studios all day and didn't get any phone breaks.

Pushing past my thoughts, realising i was still staring down at my lap and not answering the phone. I quickly pick it up and slide my finger across the screen to answer the call.


"Hey rose! Umm i need to talk to you." Ed replied rushed.

"umm.. ok whats wrong Ed?"

After hearing everything he said in a huge rush, i couldn't help myself from yelling..



A/N ;

OK Guys so sorry i havn't been uploading, i had HUGE writers block, anyways hope you enjoyed it! Just like to thank you guys so much for getting me to 100 reads, it means alot to know people are actually reading my book!

Anyways I'm only gonna upload the next chapter when i get 150 reads, and 10 votes!

Ok guys, dont forget to fan, comment and vote!

Thanks bye!

 ~ Sara x

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