Nandos, Dinner Dates and Harry Styles

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Chapter 8;

*Harry's POV*                 



How the hell am i gonna get rid of my feelings now? Oh shit! What are the boys going to think of this? Their probably gonna think that we are just using managment as an excuse to actually date!

Louis already knows about my feelings for Rose because I told him when we were at the club. He says that I have to tell her this feelings, so I get them out in the open. Damn Louis and his smartnetude! Wait... smartnetude? GREAT. Now I'm making up random words that dont even make sense! Grrr...

Me and Rose are on our way to Nandos to meet up with the boys. Do they even know what managment is making us do? Has managment told them yet? Are they even allowed to know? Pssht.. of course they are! Their part of this band too. They have to know! Right...?

OK, i really need to clear my head if we are going to have breakfast with the boys. come on Harry, focus on the road. Just focus.



When we had finally arrived at nandos, Harry stopped the car and looked towards me.

"I don't think that management has told them anything, so I think we have to tell them.." Harry said, staring straight into my green/blue eyes with his green mesmerizing ones. Those eyes that I could look into all da-


"Umm.. Yeah.. Ok let's go then?"

Harry didn't respond, but just got out of the car. I did the same, an started to walk next to him and towards the entrance of Nandos.

When we finally sat down at the booth that the boys were sat at. They were all giving us cheeky looks. I was sat next to Harry with Louis besides him and Niall, Zayn and Liam in front of us.

"OK, what are yous all looking like that at us for?"

"Oh nothing... Just the fact that you guys got some..." A cheeky Niall said to us, trying to hold back his laughter.

"What are you talking about?" I asked innocently, trying to see if they would believe me.

"Oh please. Don't act stupid with us! We've seen the pictures of yous two sucking eachothers faces off at the club last night! Piped up a happy Louis since Niall and Zayn were too busy almost crying with laughter while Liam tried to shut them up.

"Uggghhh... I'm seriously never drinking again!" I exclaimed.

"So... Are you guys going out yet or not? Because we all know that it's only a matter of time until there are mini Harry and Rosies running around!"

"Oh shut up Louis! No, we are not going out... I mean... Um well.. We kind of are.. I guess... But.... UGGH! Rose, please just tell them all!" An exhausted Harold exclaimed to me.

"Wait! So yous are actually going out? YAY! IM GONNA FINALLY BE AN UNCLE!!!" Yelled Niall, jumping onto Zayns lap and pretending to cry happy tears. Wow.

"NO. OK! We are NOT going out. Well at least not in reality!"

I whispered-yelled back to the boys.

"OK. Now I'm confused as shit!" Grumbled Zayn. Rubbing his temples.

"OK. Look, this morning management brought us in for a meeting and told us that to avoid me getting hate for hooking up with Harold and so he dosn't get any shit for sleeping with me. We have to pretend to date for a while. And tonight we are going to dinner. There." 

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