Decisions Ice Cream and Harry Styles

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Chapter 17;

*Rose's POV*

Eleanor and Danielle had been sweet enough to let me go up to my room and rest while I thought over everything that had happened in the last few hours. It had been almost 2 hours since I got the fabulous news that I was pregnant. - note the sarcasm

It wasn't that I was upset about the baby and that I wanted nothing to do with it. I had already chosen that there was no way in hell I was going to have an abortion. I was 100% completely against abortion. I mean after all, it was my baby, and I was going to love him or her unconditionally. It was just the fact that I got pregnant at such a young age. Not married. And living off of my brothers fame.

And don't even get me started on the fact that I would have to tell Harry.

But do I really have to?

Ughhh, of course I had to tell him.

He would eventually find out either way.

But telling him while everyone else was here?

What if they heard and judged me for it?

What if Harry got repulsed by the thought of me carrying his child and left me all alone?

What if he laughs in my face when I tell him and says it wasn't his because really his a girl and we never actually had sex and I was just abducted by aliens and got an alien baby implanted into me!?


OK. That's it, no more Nutella for me.

Yep. I must be going crazy if I just said that.

Oh shit.

What is Ed gonna say?

Well I can be sure that Harry will never be able to make babies again once Ed is done with him...

But Harry wouldn't leave me would he?

I mean, we are forever and always, right?



*knock knock*

"Come in"

My voice was all croaky and rough from not speaking to anyone for the last 6 hours.

Yes I had been locked up in my room for 6 hours trying to figure out when and how I was going to tell Harry and everyone else. El and Dani came up to check up on me every few hours and ask if I was ok.

This time it was just Dani asking if I wanted any tea, she was persistent, but eventually left me alone to drown in my thoughts, giving me a slight nod and comforting smile as she closed the door.

Apparently they had told the boys and Shantell that I had gotten food poisoning from a bad batch of Nutella, and they were all dumb enough to believe it. El told me that Harry kept asking if I was ok and wanting to come up and see me, but I just wasn't strong enough to see him and not brake down in tears.

I have to admit that I was a tad excited for me to have a baby, even if I did raise it all by myself, I would make sure to be the best mother I could. After all, it was life that was bubbling up inside me.

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