Introductions, Movies and Harry Styles

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WARNING: This book might have swearing in it. PG-13 Only.

All Rights Reserved @Saraariana

Do not steal this idea. All characters of One Direction are not mine and neither is anything One Direction related.


Chapter 1;

"Hey you almost here?"

"Yeah turning around the corner now, i'll see you in a bit"

"ok bye"

"cya" i said as i hung up the phone on my older brother.

I was on my way to spend a day with him, since i haven't seen him for 6 months, since his been on tour around America. Yes my brother is Ed Sheeran.

My name is Rose Sheeran, I'm 18 and i have curly short, light brown hair, And green/blue eyes, and tanned skin. I might look nothing like my brother, but he is still the closest i have to family.

My mum and dad divorced when i was 4 and ed was 7. Ed went to live with mum in Halifax, London. While i went to live with my dad in Doncaster. We lost contact until i turned 16, that's when i got out of my dads house and moved in with Ed and mum. I moved there, because my father got married to some snooty blonde in her 20's and decided to move to America. I was not OK with this. So i tried and tried to get him to let me go to Halifax, and it worked. I'm now 18 and living in my own house, in Halifax. A 10 minute drive to Ed's house.

Im studying as a dancer in the Universty of Halifax. Ed insisted he payed for my scholarship, since he knew how much dancing meant to me. Ive been dancing since i was 6, doing ballet, hip-hop, tap , jazz, anything i could learn, i would.

I turned the last corner, and neared my brothers house. I parked on the drive, quickly grabbing my keys and iPhone and stuffed into my back pocket of my high waisted denim shorts, and got out of the car. Closing the car door behind me, and fixing up my loose t-shirt and beanie. I quickly walked up the cement floor path, leading to the front doors. My brothers house wasn't what you would expect a famous millionaire singer to own. It was big, yet not to big that you can hear a pin drop. It's nice and cozy, and the second you walk in through the two front doors, you instantly feel at home and peace.

*knock, knock*

Two knocks were all it took for my older brother to come running to the door and whipping it open. With a huge smile on his face and his arms extended wide, I jumped at him, crashing him in a very much, long needed and waited bear hug, and spinning me around

"ROSEY" he screamed my nickname he gave me, as he hugged me tighter then ever.

"ED" I replied just as enthusiastically as him, enveloping him.

"God it's been way to long! How is my little Rosey?" he asked as he set me back on my feet from spinning around.

"Better now that I have seen my freckles!" we both laughed in unison as we relived the memory of his old nickname I gave him when we were young.

As he moved aside for me to walk into his house, I realized just how much I really missed my older brother, even if we did get into silly fights sometimes, he was always the first one there for me. If I went through a nasty break up, he would be the one to get the ice cream and movies and help me through it. He was honestly the most amazing brother ever. And I was so happy to have such a strong and close relationship with him.

As we made our way over to the big couch, alligned with the plasma screen tv that was in the wall, we spent the next 4 hours watching movies and catching up on how his tour went, and how i was going at school.

It soon began to get dark and we both became hungry. As Ed was in the kitchen getting us a both a drink while we waited for the pizzas we ordered, there was a knock on the door, Ed, being the lazy one he was, shouted for me to get it from the kitchen.

I reluctantly got up and picked up the money that was sitting on the table next to the door, getting ready to open it, to get my pizza, so I could eat it like the pig I was, I became extremely disappointed and slightly annoyed when I opened the door to find the one person that annoyed me just by showing their face, the one person that could and would ruin my night with my brother, the one person that was loved by thousands of girls for being what they thought he was, a charming, sweet and kind person, even though it was all just an act for the paps. There in front of me stood the annoying, obnoxious... Harry Styles.


A/N ;

Hey guys, so this is my first fanfic i have written on watt pad, so sorry if its crap. Anyways hopes yous like it so far, i will usually upload as often as i can. So please COMMENT, VOTE and Share to your friends. Thanks! LOVE YOUS! oh and please check out my best friends story, Everything About You ( A Liam Payne Fanfic )

Thank you my lovely cupcakes.

~ Sara x

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