Talking, Late Nights and Harry Styles

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Chapter 10;

*Harry's POV*

When we got to the restaurant that management had set us up with. We sat down at a table near some windows so that if any paparazzi were around, they would be able to get some good photos of us.

I was still unsure about this whole fake dating Rose stuff. And especially now that I had that dream about her...

I just didn't know what to do! Do I tell her? Do I just let it all out that I'm in lov-

Wait... Was I just about to say the 'L' word about Rose?

No.. I couldn't. I don't love Rose!                                          

It's ROSE. The Rose. She hates me! Sure I might have a crush on her. But I don't Love her!

I mean, I'm Harry freaking Styles! I can get any girl I want! 

Model, dancer, Barrack Obama's wife!


Yet here I am. Constantly thinking about one girl, and one girl only..

Uggh.... This is gonna be a long night!


"What do you mean Superman is better then Batman!"

"Batman doesn't have any powers! His just some old rich guy in leather tights!"

"Wrong! I refuse to listen this nonsense coming from you Rosie!"

"Your just jealous that Superman can fly and Batman can't! Face it Styles, Superman is ten times better then your little bat friend!"

"Well I can show you my big friend if you like?" I smirked at Rose.

"Uuughh. Do you always have to make inappropriate jokes?" 

She rolled her eyes at me, but I could see the corners of her mouth twitch up slightly with a smile.

This has been our dinner so far the whole night.. And surprisingly, it's one of the best dates that I have ever been on! Probably because its the only proper date I'd been on..

I mean I've been on plenty of dates before. But not ones where I actually liked the girl I was with. Usually with me it's; date, bang, leave.

I know, I know. I'm a douche! I've heard it all before! But it's not my fault that I've never really been one to be in a serious relationship. The longest time I've ever been with a girl was 4 months. We were pretty serious too.

But that obviously didn't end too well, since I'm here on a date with Rose.

Talking about Rose. She's still going on about Superman being better then Batman. -Even though thats not true- 

All night, we have been going through random topics. 

Our hobbies, favourite TV shows, music we listen to, the boys and Ed.

Turns out, we actually have quite a lot in common.

Plus she told me some pretty funny things about what Ed has done when he was little.

The weird thing is, this is the most time me and Rose have spent together without trying to rip each others brains out.

And frankly.. I like it. 

It's like old times...

Before she went to Paris and started hating me.

I was about to start jump back into our argument, when a waiter came over giving me the check.

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