Flashbacks, Noises and Harry Styles

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Chapter 4;

*Harry's POV*                

It's been 3 weeks since Ed called Rose that time we were shopping and told us the news. Turns out that he "all of a sudden" (yes i meant that in a sarcastic way) has to go on tour, again. Which means that me and Rose are going to be spending 2 months by ourselves, in a house, alone. One word. Shit.

I instantly knew that Ed had planned this all along. That the second Rose had no where to go, he had planned to convince her into moving here, just so he could say something popped up and that he had to leave for awhile, just so me and Rose could finally become friends! Which is NEVER and i repeat NEVER going to happen! It's not my fault she has to be such a bitch! Sure I'm not as good either, but she started it first! It was a few weeks after i met her, 2 years ago...

*Flashback 2 years ago*

"Harry this is Rose, my sister. Rose this is Harry, my best mate!" Ed said gesturing between me and her.

When i first lay-ed my eyes on her... damn. She was hot! Her wavy/straight brunette hair that fell just past her chest, and those piercing blue/green eyes that dug into mine as if she was reading my soul. Her tanned skin, and long legs. She was perfect.....We talked for hours. We quickly became good friends... Until she left and came back from a holiday in Paris, a few weeks after i had met her. She had changed, she yelled at me, she ignored me, and she eventually hated me...

*End of Flashback*

The only reason we hate each other is because she refuses to believe that i am a nice guy, she says that I'm up my self and super cocky, and that i think all the girls want me, which i cant argue with. But that's not the point! Uggggh! Shes the one that's cocky! She acts like we didn't spend that whole day talking and being kind to each other. She acts like that day never even existed, so why should i? She goes around judging people before she even gets to really know them....

Like Once when we were all out with the boys and Rose, we were walking around the streets, when all of a sudden a pigeon walks past us and she instantly starts thinking that its hungry! I mean just because its a bird on the street, does NOT mean that its hungry! GOD! And i would have told her that, if Louis didn't push past us all and run after the pigeon yelling "KEVIN! KEVIN! COME BACK I MISS YOU!" strange child....

My thoughts were soon cut short with a slamming of a door, and heavy footsteps walking up the stairs. Rose was home. Me deciding i needed to cool off before i face her again. Quickly got changed into my gym clothes, grabbed my iPod and headphones and went for a run.

All we have said to each other these past few weeks we've been living together, is a 'hi, good morning' or 'cya, good night' With the occasional yelling and arguments every now and then. Even when we are out with the boys, we still don't talk to each other much. It's as if we are complete strangers. We hardly even look at each other.. and to think when i first met her, i had a crush on her...


*Rose's POV* 

Slamming the door shut, i run up stairs, frustrated. I had just got home from a shitty day at dance practise, and i was not in the mood to do anything or talk to anyone, especially a curly haired someone.

I quickly went into my un-suite and turned on the water of the shower. I was all sweaty and hot from dance practise, and i needed to relax. As i stepped into the shower, i let the jets of the warm water blast onto my skin, relaxing me in every way needed.


*Harry's POV*

Finally arriving home, after a 30 minute jog, i was sweaty and panting like Niall after dinner at Nandos. And that boy can eat. Jogging up to my bathroom, getting lost in my own world listening to Patron by Trey Songz on my iPod. I quickly stripped off all my clothes, leaving my headphones behind and letting the music blast through the quiet house through my speakers. I walked to the kitchen to grab a drink in the nude, before heading to my shower.

When i suddenly hear something or more like someone walking down the stairs. I quickly drop my drink and slowly start walking towards where the noise was coming from. Still in the nude...

When i was going to turn the corner to go up the stairs, i bumped into something i was not expecting. Or to be precise, someone...


*Rose's POV*

After relaxing and washing my hair and body in the shower for 30 minutes or so. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me. Walking into my room, i realised Harry still wasn't home. So i dropped the towel and made my way downstairs. No one was home, so why couldn't i be comfortable? Walking down the stairs to get a juicy apple to sink my teeth into. I walked into something else, that was sweaty and hot. And definitely not an apple. it was Harry Styles. A naked. Harry. Styles.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAROLD!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. To make this situation even better, when Harry had bumped into me, he made us both fall down, and now he was on top of me. on the floor. naked. Oh god help me.

"SHIT ROSE!" he yelled trying to prior himself off me, but failing due to the fact that he was covered in sweat, and i was covered in water, making it extremely slippery and hard to get up.

"GET.OFF.ME.NOW!" I yelled in frustration, becoming more and more uncomfortable about this situation.

"Hmm, i dunno, i kinda like this position." Harry smirked. Earning him a slap against his arm. Here he goes, even the most awkward situations, he always finds time to be the dirty minded cocky guy he is.

"I swear to god Harry. if you do not get off me this instance i will kick you sooo hard in your baby making parts, that you will not be able to walk for weeks!" I spat in his face.

"OK, OK calm your mammarries." Harry said getting off.

"What were you doing naked here anyways?" I questioned, after finally getting up and covering myself up with a blanket that lay ed on the couch next to us.

"I should be asking you the same thing! I just got back from my jog, and i was on my way to the shower, when you jumped at me and tryed to rape me! God Rose can you really not resist this!" He said the last bit with a smirk on his face, motioning his hands up and down his still very un-covered body.

"GOD HAROLD! Cover that up!" I spat back at him, squishing my eyes shut at the sight in front of me. Even if he did have hot abs and a v-line, this was just wrong. Wait.. did i just say he had a hot body? Moving on...

"And trust me, i CAN resist that" I said making a scrunched up face towards him. "And i didn't jump on you and try to rape you! I had just got out of my shower, and i didn't know you were back, so i went to get something to eat before i got dressed, but for some reason, god just loves to ruin my life, and decided to make me bump into you!" I screamed at him getting more and more embarrassed at the thought that Harry just saw me butt naked and now wouldn't stop staring at me, making me feel even more self-conscious.

Before he could even reply, i quickly ran past him and into my room. Leaving him flustered and shocked at my sudden outburst at him. I cant believe he thinks its fine to look me up and down, half naked after he was just on me. If he thinks that he can play with me like I'm a toy, then his wrong. What.a.tosser.


A/N ;

So hope you guys liked this chappie, sooooo sorry that i took forever to upload, been really busy and had MASSIVE writers block! Anyways hope you guys had fun reading this chapter!

I would just like to take a second to thank yous all for all the reads and votes, you guys are absolutely incredible! So 30 reads and 5 votes for the next chappie!


Dont forget to comment, vote and fan! <3

~ Sara x

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