Busted, Yelling and Harry Styles

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Chapter 11 ;

*Harry's POV*

While Rose was upstairs in the shower, I went to cook some breakfast for us both.

When I was in the middle of cooking my special homemade pancakes on the stove, I was stopped by my phone buzzing loudly with Reece Mastin's new song Rockstar, coming from on top of the kitchen counter.

I put down the pan with the pancake mix in it an left it on the stove to cook. I walked over to the the counter on the other side of the kitchen an picked up my phone.

When I picked it up, I looked at the caller ID to see that it was just Ed calling. I laughed to myself at the contact name I had for him.

"That Ginger Bitch"

I slide my thumb across the screen to answer the call and put it to my ears. Meanwhile turning off the stove, incase it got set on fire while I wasn't paying attention.

"Sup Ginger bitch!" 

I chirped happily.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" 

Ed snarled at me.

I was taken aback by his tone of voice and started to wonder about what the hell he was talking about.

"Wow mate, what are you talking about? I haven't even talked to your mum!" I joked, trying to ease the tension that was clear in his voice as he spoke back to me.

"Don't act dumb with me Harry. Why are you dating my little sister, and what the hell were you two doing this morning in the middle of the bloody park!"

Wow. OK. So the pappz did get pictures of us. Fantastic.

"I swear to god! You better not be using her just for a good fuck, Harry! If your playing my sister then your gonna be in shit with me mate,"

"I'm not playing her! Management is making us do this! I swear!" I replied back.

"Well do you like her at all?" Ed whispered back, sounding almost scared of my answer.

"I don't know... Maybe?"

All I got back from his was a loud frustrated groan.

"Would it really be that bad?" 

I asked in response to his unhappy groan to me saying I like his sister.

"No, it's just.... Uggh.. Does she know you have feelings for her?"

"No she doesn't know. Only Louis does."

"I swear to god Harry! If you hurt my little sister, I will cut your balls off and shove them up yo-"

I cute him off quickly, not wanting to hear his big brother threat.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt her! I care about her!"

He continued rambling on about, how if I so much as hurt one piece of hair on her, I was gonna regret it. I was getting frustrated with how he didn't seem to trust me one bit with his little sister.

But I knew that if I had a little sister who was dating a player like me. -even though we aren't really dating- I wouldn't be so happy about it either.

But when he said that I don't even like her and that I don't even know what love is. That's when I exploded.


"Love who?"

I was about to yell at Ed through the phone, what he meant by "Love Who" since we had just had a heated argument about who. When I realized that the voice who asked that questions wasn't Ed's. It was a girls voice. Her voice.

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