Nightmares, Getting Ready and Harry Styles

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Chapter 9;          

*Harry's POV*

We looked each other in the eyes, and that's when she said the words, that made my heart skip a beat...

"I love you Harry....."

"But I can't be with you." She whispered, looking down at the ground.

"But... Why?"

"Because I love Louis more. I always have. I always loved him more then you. I mean, why would anyone love you more the Louis. His more handsome, has more talant. And he'll go further in life then you ever will!"

"What? LOUIS!? But you said you love me!"

"I was lying! Just leave me alone! I'm going to run away with Louis, far away from you!" Rose screamed at me, running toward Louis who I hadn't even realized was standing behind her. Smirking at me.

"WAIT! ROSE! COME BACK! I NEED YOU!" I yelled through my sobs. Falling to my knees as I watch the girl I love, walk away with my best friend.

"Wait! But I love you....."


I shot out of bed. Sweating and panting as heavily as possible. 

It was a dream.

Just a dream.

Rose never said she loved me.  

She never ran away with Louis. 

We never went on our date.

She never said she loved me...

I sat up in my bed. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, as I reached over my phone to look at the time.


I remember coming back from breakfast with the boys and Rose, and then coming home and having a nap. 

That means that mine and Rose's date is tonight.

Rose is off getting her nails done or something with Eleanor. While the boys are Louis' house.

Might as well go over. I need to get out for awhile.

I need to talk to Louis. 

His probably the only one that will know what to say.

But what is there to say?

I don't even know if I love Rose! I know i have feelings for her... Strong feelings...

But love?

The Harry in my nightmare sure knew what he felt.

But could I really LOVE Rose?


"Oi mate, pass the popcorn will ya?"


"HARRY!!!" Screamed Niall in my ear.

"Wha- SHIT!"  

I yelled, throwing the popcorn in the air and falling off the couch with a thud.

"Oww... What the hell was that for Niall!"

"You wouldn't pass the popcorn and my tummy is rumbling!" 

Niall whined while patting his stomach.

"Well now thanks to you there is no popcorn and I have a sore ass!"

"Thanks to me!? It's not my fault that you were off, dreaming about butterflies and rainbows!" Niall song-sung, waltzing around the room.

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