Volleyball, Questions and Harry Styles

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Chapter 13;

*Harry's POV*







I screamed over Niall and Rose's arguing.

We were all at Louis and Eleanor's house, chatting an just hanging out. We were gonna stay the night and have a barbecue. Louis, El, Liam and Dani were outside cooking the barbecue while Perrie and Zayn were in the kitchen getting some drinks. Ed had to go into the studio to record something for his new album so he wasn't here.

Me, Rose, Niall and Rhianne were in the living room talking, when Rose decides to put on Harry Potter.

But it soon ended up like a war when Niall stole the remote from Rose and put on The Hangover.

They had been fighting over it for almost 30 minutes and me and Rhianne were just sitting here and laughing our asses off at the two.

Rose and Niall were still arguing when Liam came inside and told us that the food was ready. Niall straight away jumped up, grabbed Rhianne and ran off outside.

So much for The Hangover.

Me and Rose got up to follow them, but just before Rose could make it outside, I grabbed her hand and spun her around, crashing my lips to hers.

When we pulled away, our foreheads leant against each others, we just stared at each other.

"I want to stay like this forever. Just us two. Forever and always."

Rose smiled, a blush creeping up onto her cheeks. I ran my finger from her cheek to her jawline. Staring into her eyes.

"Your beautiful, you know that Rose?"

"Barley." She whispered back. Looking at her feet.

"Hey, look at me." I brought her chin up with my thumb.

"You are. Believe me."


"OK. Boys verses Girls?" Louis asked us all.

"Sure, if you boys don't mind losing to a couple of girls?" Dani replied smirking.

"You's are gonna be the ones losing today."

"Sure, whatever floats your boat."

We were all in the backyard, about to play an intense game of volleyball. Boys verses girls. 

We all broke up into our little groups, and before we started playing, I pulled Rose to the side with an evil expression on my face.

"OK love, how about we make this a little bit more fun."

"What do you have in mind Harold?"

"Loser sleeps outside tonight."

"But it's freezing and there's no couch or anything!"

"Aww, is Rose scarred of losing?"

"No way. Bring it Curly."

We shook hands and started the game. The girls getting a point straight away.

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