Interviews, Old Best Friends and Harry Styles

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Chapter 14;

*Rose's POV*

"Would you rather be eaten alive by a crocodile, or get pegged at with cactuses?"

We were at an interview that the boys were doing. Me, Perrie, Eleanor, Rhianne and Danielle were sitting in the audience watching. Ed was back in the studio for the day.

They were playing the game Would You Rather. The interviewer - who's name I think is Amanda- would ask them two questions, and each of the boys would have to answer.

"Cactuses." Said Harry and Niall at the same time.

"Crocodile." Zayn answered.

Next was Liam who answered. 

"Umm... Cactuses."

Then was Louis..

"Neither. I'll beat the crocodile before it even touches me. And no one would ever dare to throw a cactus at me, if they know what's good for them." 

Everyone in the audience laughed, while the boys all shook their heads at him.

Oooh Louis.

After playing a few more rounds, which included Zayn having to choose between his mirror and Perrie...

After he took 3 long minutes of thinking, and Perrie death staring him.

He finally chose Perrie.

Thank god.

They were now on a TV break. 

The boys were all sitting with the interviewer at the snack table getting some drinks and eating some snacks -with the exception of Niall who was stuffing his face with chicken wings- 

While me and the girls were all just talking about random things in our seats.

"OK, WE'RE BACK IN 5..4..3..2..1.." 

One of the camera men said to the boys and Amanda who were now sitting back in their seats.

"So boys, it's obvious that we were going to ask you this sooner or later, so it might as well be now. OK, so, who is single and who is taken?"

Oh no. I had been dreading this question all day. Me and Harry have only been dating for a few weeks. But to the public, we had been dating for almost 3 months, since we got forced to fake date.

I had almost forgotten that we were fake dating, -since I'd been too busy actually dating him- that I forgot that we were meant to be pretending.

I was bought out of my thoughts when Zayn started to talk, answering Amanda's question with a smirk playing at his lips.

"Well as you saw just before I'm obviously dating Perrie Edwards, who I love very much."

"Kiss-ass" Harry murmered, loud enough for the boys and everyone to hear.

"IM IN LOVE WITH ELEANOR CALDER!" Louis broke off everyone's laughter and doubled it.

"I'm in a dedicated and loving relationship with Danielle." 

Liam smiled proudly."

"And I'm in a relationship with Rhianne!"

I caught Niall winking at Rhianne when the camera was off of him and pointed towards Harry.

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