Movies, Parties and Harry Styles

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Chapter 6;




"Moe beva de nome"

"Becau- wait what?"

"Uggh" Harry grunts while picking up his head from under the pillow and looking up at me.

"I saiiiiid." He drags out his words like his talking to an toddler.

"No leave me alone!"

"NOP! Come on get up! GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!" I scream at the top of my lungs while jumping up and down on his bed.

"OK! OK Fine Lou, I'm getting up! God!"

I smile feeling proud that i had awoken the beast without being hit. Usually if i would do anything like this, i would already be getting a massive wedgie.. Not that I'm complaining! But every since the Bonfire, My Hazza has been acting kinda strange... Hmm... Maybe its just his curls getting to curly.. Lalala!

"Are you gonna stand there all day staring at my hair, or are you gonna leave? Wait... What the hell are you doing here anyways!?" A confused Haz asked me.

"Well.... Rose and the boys are downstairs eating break fest waiting for you to get your ass outta be, so we can go to Movies with El, Danielle, and Rhianne. Zayn and Perrie are going somewhere else, i don't know. SO GET UP!" And with that i walked off downstairs.


*Rose's POV*


Harry suggested.

"YES!" Me and Liam both screamed in unison.

"ugggh! Do we have to? I want to watch Madagascar!" An annoying Louis commented.

"Same!" Niall and Rhianne said at the same time.

"Ugggh! Ok well why don't you guys go watch Madagascar, and we will go watch Nemo?" A clever Danielle interrupted.

"OK!" Louis shouted

We had all been standing inside the Cinemas for 10 minutes, trying to decide on a good movie to watch. I had met Eleanor and Danielle before and was actually extremely good friends with them. But this was the first time any of us were meeting Rhianne. (except for Niall, of course) And i could already tell i like her. She had Long and straight/wavy light brown hair, big hazel eyes, and fair skin. She was extremely pretty, just like the other girls. It sort of made me feel out of place. They all looked like they were some types of models. It was ridiculous! But at least they weren't bitchy!

"OK! Me and El shall go and get the food and tickets. You guys go ahead and get us some seats. Harry, are you gonna watch Madagascar with Me, El, Niall and Rhianne. Or Nemo with Liam, Dani and Rose?" Louis finally finished doing a mini dance with his feet.... weird child.

"Umm... I... I'll go with Nemo. So Rose dosn't feel like a.. umm a ... third wheel.." Harry stuttered.

We all gave him weird looks and walked to the rooms our movies were in and waited for Louis with the tickets and food.

After about another 10 minutes. They all finally met up with us.

"OK! Here is your tickets and food and drinks." El said handing me and Dani the food and drinks, and Liam and Harry our tickets.

"And our movie is at the end of the hall, so meet us outside when yours finishes. OK! HAVE FUN! NO SEX IN PUBLIC!" Louis screamed the last part to Dani and Liam... I hope...

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