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Chapter 18;

8 years later..

*Harry's POV*

"Alex let go of my hair! Ow! This isn't fair! Stop pulling daddy's hair!"

You'd think that an 8 year old would know to listen to her father.. I guess not.

Then again shes not actually 8 yet, but she will be in exactly 12 minutes.

It's been 8 years since Rose told me she was carrying our baby. 8 years since Ed punched me in the face for knocking up his little sister, and 8 years since Shantell got slapped across the face and kicked out of the cabin by Eleanor, after she over heard Shantell on the phone planning to steal me away from Rose and use my money to buy an endless supply of beauty cosmetics.

Apparently I should have listened to the guys when they said there was something fishy about Shantell.

We went back on your when Rose was 4 months pregnant. I promised her I would try my best to see her as much as I could, and I stuck to that promise since she ended up coming on your with us.

Ed was hard to loosen up though. He thought I would eventually give up after a while, thinking that I would get too stressed from dating a girl that's pregnant.

I proved him wrong.

On the last concert of the tour, we performed at Madison Square Garden. It was a special event dedicated to us boys for finishing our world tour. There were fireworks, confetti, screaming girls.

And that's when I decided to propose to her.

She screamed and cried. She ended up jumping on me and even though she was already 9 months pregnant, she still looked like the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Two weeks later she was in the hospital in labor.

13 hours later, on New years, the second most beautiful girl I've ever seen was born.

Alex Katerina Styles.

She had my curly hair and her mums amazing smile and blue eyes. She was simply perfect.

8 months later me and Rose finally walked down the aisle. It was a beautiful wedding. We were married on a hill over looking the sunset and beach. Everyone we knew nd cares about came to it. The boys and Ed were my grooms while Danielle, Perrie, Eleanor and Roses cousin Emma were her bridesmaids. Alex was sat with my mum and was quite through the whole ceremony. When I saw Rose walk towards me in her dress, I think my heart stopped for a second, beautiful wasn't even a good enough word to describe what she looked like. She was and is literally the most beautiful girl ever.

So here we are now, 7 years after the wedding and we lived in our own house with Alex. We were a family. And I wouldn't have changed anything about us.

"Alex hunny get off daddy's curls, it's almost your birthday." Rose came in. And lifted Alex off my lap and held her in her arms. We were oustide on the balcony of our room waiting for midnight to come.

Looking back at all the fights and all the screaming we went through, I wouldn't change any of it. I would get punched by Ed a million more times if it meant I would end up with Rose again.


I looked at Rose and saw her smiling at Alex. She was beautiful.


Fireworks went off I'm the sky and you could hear our neighbours cheering and yelling.

"Happy birthday baby!" Me and Rose both said to our little girl who was squealing with happiness.

I looked at my perfect wife and smiled.

"Happy New Years love."

"Happy New Years Harry."

I leaned down a kissed her, my arms around her and Alex.

She was giggling with Alex and smiling, I bent down to her level and whispered the words I've said a million times and will continue to for the rest of my life.

"I love you Rose, Forever and Always."

The End.


Ok so I realise that that was the shittest ending ever but I realised so was the book, so I decided to just finish it here instead of going for longer and I'm gonna start a new book that will hopefully be better and ill stick too. Sorry for the crappy book, thank you too everyone who stuck with me through it. It was an awesome time. Bye guys, make sure to keep looking for my new book! I LOVE YOU MY PUMPKINS!

~Sara xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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